Part II-To the other side

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After the whisper of the universe, she fell asleep, she knew her journey of rebirth started then...

Soon she was awake, she saw herself woke up in a room of hundreds of glowing red dream-catchers. There was a large window that keep the wind flowing cooly in the room, the dream-catchers was also swinging in the chilly wind. The window was so big she could step outside just by walking through it. She saw a red festival, everything in the festival was decorated red, there were widely long lines of red lanterns that filled the scene with joy. Red confetti, people in red clothes, red flowers bloomed in every corner. Then thousands of red petals fell from the sky...

Then she saw a giant red rose on the ground, it was lonely but so glowingly red-what a great symbol of love. However, it hadn't bloomed yet, suddenly she could hear the rose was calling her, it told her if she believed in love, she would need to come to it, she would need to jump from the window and fell into it. If she truly wanted love, the flower would bloom to catch her within its petals.

She took a deep breath- "The wind please take me to my love..." and jumped...
She fell with thousands of petals in the air and as she about to land, she saw the rose opened up widely, it was magnificently beautiful. And right in the center of the rose, there was a diamond door, just right at the tick of a clock that her face would land on that door, it opened, she fell through...

She saw a place like no other, she was standing on a ship-a ship made of wood. It was on a silent river with the color of green jewelry. She could hear the river told her to join it, join the beautiful green water of emerald in the sparkling light of gold. The river told her, it could tell the heart of someone was good or evil, pure or filthy just by letting them join the water. The water is something forever lasting, full of memories since it was the first element that is known to exist.

It is told that if someone's heart is filthy, the moment they touch the surface, there would be a giant beast that would rise up and swallow them whole, then their filthy souls would be sent back to where they came from, the journey of rebirth is over for those with filthy heart...forever...

She took another deep breath and ran along the ship, the wind and the sky seemed to bless her. They sent millions of colorful petals of millions kind of flowers flew in the air and flew along with her as the ran till the end of the ship...she leaped herself into the air and ready to join the water of mother river...

She landed within the river, and slowly she fell to the bottom of it, as she reached the bottom, within the color of glowing green emerald water she saw many diamonds around her.
A diamond fish swam to her, it told her that her heart was kind and innocent...

Just in a moment of a second it was night, she looked at the sky through the water, the sky turned to the color of light lavender. Then there was the moon, it wasn't silvery anymore, it became glowingly shimmeringly golden...
The fish told her to hold on, it would take her to the last step of her journey. It told her whatever she would do, remembered to follow the moon...
The fish took her to a place where she no longer remembered her name...

She was the standing on the ground seemed like a forever endlessly wide mirror that reflected the purple sky above. Far away she could see a big cherry blossom tree, she ran to it...
As she reached the tree, around her was no longer any mirror ground, but then there was a forest of cherry blossom. Cherry blossom petals flew everywhere in the air, she standing dreaming, suddenly someone touched her hair...

It was him-her first love, the first one who made her heart beat so fast, who made her believe in love so bad, who taught her what love was and also the one who broke her heart for the first time... But this realm was a trap set up to test her, she could not remember this was her unfinished journey-she could not even remember her name... However, she did remember he was a heart-breaker...
He seemed kind to her, loving her, giving her flowers and held her tightly in his arms. She was so happy, so alive as if all the pain and sorrows were all gone, no one could destroy their love, not anymore...
He finally changed, she thought...She would give him a chance, because, well after all, it was this fantasy love that also trapped her in her past for a long time though.
To her, the moment was so precious, nothing more because then there were just two of them together in their own perfect world...

She was so joyful looking at him when she suddenly saw the golden moon on the other side of the sky...
She started waking up, she woke up and she remembered that she must follow the golden moon, the journey wasn't over yet, she could not be trapped here in a fantasy of the past. She quickly push him aside with all her strength and start running fast towards the moonlight...

She ran and cried and ran, and at the end of the edge of her journey she saw a bridge made of glass...
On a poll of the bridge, there was a message:

"You have made it this far, you have finished your journey
Now you shall pass this bridge of glass to the other side to claim your rebirth my child
Your choice of hope may take you far dear, life is full of surprise for the hopeful one
You may suffer from love and life and the past, but you know you are not alone
The universe is always watching over you in your next journey to find love
You have to find your love, we can not give him to you; however, we could give you a friend..."

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