chapter four

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It's been a few hours since we arrived here, Finney and Robin left to go to the store. I stood up and looked at Billy, "we should go now, I usually have to be on time or else my father goes ballistic." I awkwardly smiled at him. "It's fine, I have newspapers to deliver anyways with my dog! I can walk you halfway home." I smiled brightly at what he said. "Yeah, okay!!" I told him excitedly.

I walked home by myself, since Billy only walked me halfway. Until I seen a man drop his groceries, I walked over and picked up a bag of chips. "Hey.. do you need help?" I asked him quietly, "yes please. I do have alot of groceries I need for my magic show, I'm a part time magician yknow! Would you like to see a magic trick??" He asked me, looking around to see if anyone's coming, he didn't see anyone. Besides a dog, a golden Labrador, "yeah.. sure." I muttered quietly, I got a bit suspicious of how he was acting, so I walked closer to him.

Next thing you know, he had me by the neck, I guess you would say. I heard a bicycle come by and stop afterwards. It was Billy. He threw his bike onto the curb and ran over to me, grabbing me by the arm away from the "magician". The man groaned and left in his black van. I felt a tear run down my face and I turned to look at Billy, "thank you so much. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't come." I held onto his shirt for dear life, traumatized by what just happened. "It's fine griff, I'll walk you fully home. I'm not letting that happen to you again."

I sighed in relief and let go of his shirt, he grabbed his bike again and started walking. His dog was behind us, panting. I guess she needs water.. I thought to myself, I grabbed my water bottle out of my bag and poured some out for her to drink.

Whenever we arrived to my house, I looked at Billy and watched him get back on his bike and his dog followed beside him. He's so perfect. I guess I really do like him.. Whenever I walked into my house my father was there, staring at me like I've committed a crime. He came close to me and slapped me across the face. "Mind telling me why the school called and told me you weren't there?? Or why you weren't on time like you are everyday? What have you been doing, brat." He said to me, his breath smelt like alcohol, like it did nearly everyday. "I.. I didn't feel good so I just skipped school." I tried to lie to him but I guess it didn't work. He grabbed my arm and tossed me to the floor, I walked up the stairs with tears trailing down my face.

I didn't have any homework, so I just lay down in bed and slowly dozed off.


A/N: I finished for this chapter:) sorry it was short !!

527 words!!

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