Chapter 2

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"Wylder. Wake up."


I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry and my hearing was muffled.

"Wylder. Are you ok?" You could hear the concern in his voice.

"Braxton. What in the world?" My voice was rugged.

"They almost got you Wlyder. You had me worried. I thought for sure they had you."

"Where am I Braxton?"

"I was running. I couldn't stop. My heart was pounding. The forest. I just kept on running. The forest."

"Eyes. Those yellow eyes, they stared right into my soul. I was just about to leave the forest. Then.. Then. Those eyes. Those effing yellow eyes." "Braxton. What happened?"

I was confused. One minute I was running for my life the next I'm lying in what appeared to be a wooden hut with Braxton leaning over me. I could see a pot of hot cocoa on the fire. Braxton never spoke, he was still. Not a word.


He didn't reply. Just turned to stare at the fire.

"Braxton!" I was getting agitated at his silence. He wouldn't reply. He was ignoring my plea. "Braxton, don't be so cold."

"I thought...." He stopped. His face stricken with worry. "I thought I lost you." Once more silence had entered the room. "Another second and they would have killed you" he continued.

I interrupted him "Braxton. Please. I'm sorry. I told you though, I can do this on my own."

Just then a figure appeared at the door, it was dark and my eyes hadn't adjusted. "Tidas?" Another figure appeared.

"It's Zylan and Bryony" answered Braxton.

My two best friends from when we were youngsters. They made their way to where I was lying. Zylan was a year younger than me. Zylan Fox Copper. The nicest guy you'll ever meet on this God-forsaken planet. He never did anything wrong, I don't think he's capable of it. My eyes drifted over Bryony. She was the only person in the whole world who knows me and gets me. Bryony Lynx Holt, tough yet the sweetest thing you'll come across, just never cross her path.

"We heard about your ordeal on Wednesday so we came down to see how you were. Zylan made you some of his cookies"

I just stared at her. Her voice always brought comfort, I'm glad she came.

"It's good to see you two" I croaked.

Zylan put the plate of cookies down by the fire. Bryony watched as he awkwardly made his way over to me. A nod of the head and a smile, typical Zylan!

"Did you say Wednesday?" I was curious to see what day it was today.

"Yeah I did"

I inquired about today "So what day is it today?"

Bryony glanced over at Braxton who had now got up and moved over to a little rocking chair in the corner.

"It's Thursday Wylder"

I sighed in relief "Phew, I've only been out for a day then!"

Eyes darted all across the room, I could feel the tension. I sat up and looked across to Braxton then at Zylan then Bryony.

"Wylder, it was last Wednesday when you had your ordeal. You've been out for almost a week now."

My face dropped as Bryony told me, I looked over at Braxton for reassurance, his eyes were lifeless as he nodded in agreement.

My mind raced as they told me the news. A week. I was out for a week. How the heck was I out for a week? Noticing the puzzled look on my face Braxton got up and announced "You were out for a week because I shifted into my Hawk form to sweep you away from them, while I had swooped down to get you one the wolves grabbed onto yer leg." Pausing. I looked at my leg, it was tightly wrapped in gauze.

"With all the jerking going on you hit a tree on the way up, it was mostly my fault but the little bugger wouldn't let go of you. You lost a lot of blood and you passed out once you hit the tree." Trying to justify his point.

It made sense. My hand was rubbing up and down my leg, it didn't hurt but I wanted to know what the wound was like. I was one for collecting scars!

"Who was chasing me Braxton?" I caught him off guard with that one, he wasn't expecting it. He "Hmm-ed" and "haa-d" for 5 minutes. I got nothing out of him. Nothing. Jerk face.

Well for now that's not important, what's important is recovering so I get back to my duties. I hate doing nothing.

"Do you want a game of Battleship?" Zylan always knew what I wanted. He pulled out the box from his backpack, set it on a table and we played for hours into the night.

I woke up the next morning with Battleship pieces stuck to my face and the sight of Zylan sprawled across the floor. Braxton was no where to be seen and Bryony was slumped on the rocking chair. The fire was long dead. I squinted my eyes to see what the time was. 14:23pm. I still wanted to know where I was. I pulled back the covers and revealed a blood soaked leg. The bandages were saturated in crimson red blood. It must have been a big gash. I put down my left leg on the floor but I couldn't as much lift my mangled leg off the bed. Zylan woke to the sound of agony. He shot up instantly and told me lye back and relax. I hate being told what to do, but in this case I listened and took his advice on board.

"Where did Braxton go, Zylan?"

"He's gone to the market"

Zylan left the room and headed for the toilet to wash his hands of my blood. The bed covers had been drenched with blood as well.

The front door opened and Braxton emerged with three plastic bags.

"Feeling better Lil sis?" I gave him a half smile. I hate when he calls me his lil sis and he knows it.

"Yeah, fine."

"Hows the wound holding up" He propped the bags against the wall. I pulled back the covers and let him inspect the damage. His face was expressionless.

"Right I'm gonna have to change the dressing... You ready for that?"

I looked at him confused. "Ah, duh jerk face!"

"Alright calm down cranky pants, I'm just letting you know that it might hurt when I peel off the dressing. Oh and it will definitely sting when I spray on the anti-bacterial spray"

He had a cheeky half grin on his face!

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