dating...will include

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johnny :
• him protecting you
• forehead kisses
• passionate kisses/soft kisses
• random hugs throughout the day
• him teaching you karate but him 
   keeping you safe as much as he
• him making you romantic and
   nice meals
• you both watching your
  favourite film together
• you both jamming out to 80's
• cuddles all night
• him not pushing you into things

daniel :
• him trying his best to protect
• cheek kisses
• soft kisses
• hugs from behind
• Mr Miyagi really liking you
• Daniel teaching you karate do
you can "stand up" for yourself
in a fight but doesn't like you
doing too much that you will
hurt yourself
• you both going to his mums
restaurant for nice meals when
it's closed
• you both watching movies you've
both never seen
• you both listening to 80's in the
• you being close to each other all
night and somethings cuddling
• you both going slow with your

miguel :
• he protects you like mad and
  won't let anyone else touch you
• forehead and cheek kisses😍
• soft kisses
• hugs from behind and the front
• his mum and yaya love you like
   you're their own child
• he doesn't teach you karate
   because he wants you to stay as
   safe as possible
• you get takeaway delivered to his
• you watch both your favourite
films all the time
• you listen to 80's/90's music all
the time that you both like
• he doesn't push you into things
but you also don't take things
very slow

eli "hawk" :
• VERY VERY overprotective , if
  someone just talks to you , he
  will literally kick their ass
• forehead kisses ALL the time
• passionate kisses
• hugs from behind and the side
• his mum likes you , you never
  really see her but she's nice ,
  hawk doesn't know his dad
• you do karate but he insists
  you stay safe so you don't do as
  much as you're meant to , you
still do the all valleys though
• you go out and buy loads of food
  to have that night , lots and lots
  of snacks while watching 80's
• you always watch 80's/90's films
  you've both never seen
• you both listen to 80's music
  VERY loud in the car
• you don't take things slow at all
  but you both don't do things you
  don't wanna do

robby :
overprotective , if someone even
looks at you , they'll be dead
• forehead , cheek and
  NOSE kisses LITERALLY 24/7😍
• passionate kisses but also soft
• hugs from behind😫
• his mum likes you but you ever
really see her , after she came
back from rehab you saw her
more often , his dad knows you
from seeing you around , he likes
you (is it just me that wants to
see robbys relationship with his
mum season 3-4?)
• he teaches you a bit of karate but
you don't join a dojo as he
begged you as he doesn't want
you to get hurt , he tells you that
if you want to join a dojo it has to
be miyagi-do so you don't get
hurt (believe it or not🤣)
• you buy takeaway and lots of
sweets/snacks for movie nights
• you both watch new romance
films , when uhm...erm...uh ,
'scenes' come on you start
making out and it mostly
goes a bit too 'far' , it's okay
tho cause his mums always out
the house and your parents like
to go out a lot☺️☺️
• you have rap/pop songs on very
  loud in your car when you're
  with him (mostly taylor swift ,
  thanks to him liking her xo)
• you take things as slow as you
want , what a gentleman😍

demetri :
• he tries his hardest to protect
  you but the poor weak thing can't
  even stand up for himself ,
  nevermind you
• cheek kisses
• soft kisses
• hugs from the front
• both his parents like you
• he tries to teach you karate as he
  gets better at it but he's not the
  best , let's just say
• you buy sweets for the whole
• you watch all harry potter
  movies together to make him
  happy then you watch your
  favourite film
• you listen to slow love songs
• he doesn't really know what to
  do in a relationship the poor
  thing so you go really...really...

anthony :
• he protects you so well omfg ,
he's literally the highschool
boyfriend everyone wanted when
they were younger (i only just got
one and i'm going into year 9
(8th grade)🥲 , he's the best tho
so i'm not complaining , he
reminds me of robby😍)
• forehead kisses all over😍
• soft and passionate kisses
• hugs from behind
• amanda and daniel love you ,
daniels just a bit more
• he hasn't started karate yet so he
doesn't know anything
• daniel and amanda make you
lots of food for the night and get
you lots of snacks
• you watch disney movies
together what you want and you
watch avengers movies for him🥲
• you listen to hard metal music
just to make him happy and then
slow cute music for you
• you don't really go slow , erm...
uhm let's just say that he got
grounded for what you both did
in the house while his parents
were home☺️🥰

samantha :
• she tried to protect you her best
  but sometimes it's just...not
• cheek kisses
• soft kisses
• hugs from behind and the front
• again , amanda and daniel love
  you but daniel is just a bit more
• she teaches you karate then begs
  you to join miyagi-do , you
  eventually join after going to
  watch a lesson
• daniel and amanda make you
  lots of food for the night and get
  you lots of snacks
• you both watch disney films , the
• you both listen to disney music
  and slow songs and call them
  "your songs"
• you go quite slow tbh

tory :
• her protection skills are literally
the definition of 'on fleek'😍
• forehead kisses
• passionate kisses
• hugs from the front
• her mum loves you but you
hardly see her , her dad isn't in
the picture
• she teaches you karate but if you
get hurt , she will refuse to teach
you karate again and if you try it
again , she will literally , in the
nicest way possible , kill you☺️
• you buy loads of snacks for a
little movie night , or just a night
• you watch whatever film you
want as she doesn't mind but
every once in a while you watch
something she'll want to watch
• you'll listen to your favourite
songs and sometimes hers but
she doesn't mind as long as
you're happy
• no. just no. you don't go slow at all in the relationship😁

moon :
• she tries her hardest to protect
  you but all the says is "just get
  along" or some shit
• cheek kisses
• soft kisses
• hugs from behind and the side
• her mum and dad love you
• she doesn't know karate herself
  so she doesn't teach you any of it
• you both get loads of snacks and
  weed for a night together and get
  high on weed and drink alcohol
• you like to watch romantic films
• you like rap songs usually
• she doesn't mind how fast you
  go , as long as you're happy

annie speaks : well that was longer than i expected , please send help. it took me like 2 days to write this. i'm currently 3hrs away from home seeing my sister🥲i messaged this fit boy n he's not answered me so be right back , gonna go and cry. should i add anyone else like aisha or yasmine? i would write about kyler n brucks but they just make me so uncomfortable so i wouldn't like to write about them. what else would you like to see in my preferences?

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