The Visit - Prequel Part 2

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The drizzling water drops streamed over the glass window of the actor's car and the eerie environment inside the car allowed the actor's mind to travel through thousands of thoughts and slow replay of sweet memories. This has been the routine since he heard the news.

"Are you okay? " His manager, the short man, asked from the front seat, turning the heater on to warm them up.

"I shouldn't have broken his camera, " The broken actor murmured.

" Don't worry about that, a new camera is already on its way to the photographer, " The short man assured the actor who was now looking at the window almost on the verge of breaking down.

" Attach an apology note with the camera." He turned his head to look at his manager and lowered his head looking down at his hand grazing his thumb over the music symbol tattoo between his forefinger and thumb.

"Hey! Be honest with me, how are you exactly holding up? I know the news was delivered at the wrong time but... " The manager is walking on eggshells around him ,making sure nothing he says would break him more than he already is.

"I am a monster, " The actor looked up from his lap, eyes swelled with water and agony clawing its way deep into his soul.

"Hey listen to me, you are not a monster. Trust me, she chose to leave, it was her choice, " The manager tried to pull his friend/ actor from the guilt he is drowning in.

"She died alone," The actor broke down, his shoulders shaking, shivering as he sobbed with his head down.

"Stop the car and leave us alone, " The manager ordered the driver.

As soon as the driver left the car, the manager turned his full attention to the actor and began,

" It was her choice to leave you, she lived through the consequences of her choices. You could have done nothing to convince her otherwise during those days." He finished.

The 29-year-old actor stayed silent listening to his friend's words but only the actor knew the truth in this world, that it was his choices and selfish reasons that pushed her away and let her suffer from his mistakes.

Though there was never a day passed without him wishing that he could have made a better decision than he chose or continued to lie along to spend more time with her or just told the truth with a better act of letting her go rather than the betrayal, hurt and embarrassment that had been inflicted upon her on the past by him.

Good times don't last long, so do their love.

When the death of his long lost love of life's news reached his ears, he couldn't help but crumble down to the floor with a pang of guilt and regret washing over him.

He wished that he should have been there with her. He saw it coming but ignored to accept the truth because he wanted the best for himself, which he had been told by others.

"I shouldn't have pushed her away, " He whimpered, leaning his head against the seat, placed in front of him. He sobbed holding on to his chest as if he sensed an excruciating pain travelling in his chest and to his left arm, as he struggled with his breathing. He experienced a wave of growing, worsening nausea in the deep pit of his stomach.

As soon as nausea began to travel above, passing his oesophagus, an awful taste lingering in his mouth made him fall back on the seat. Quickly, he was beginning to lose his senses and the breathing became more and more shallow in an irregular repetitive quick motion. With spreading chest pain he began to perspire profusely and his skin started to pale, bringing the attention of his manager.

"Hey, look at me, what's happening? Talk to me " The manager panicked as soon as he set upon the actor and he began to shout at him to keep the actor conscious.

He swung open the door and shouted at the driver to pick up the car and ordered him to take him to the hospital.

"AJ listen to me, stay up buddy, we will get you to the hospital soon. " The driver who stood a few feet away from the car ran to the car as soon as he heard the desperate shouting of his employer.

The car roared to life as the driver stomped upon the car pedal , the manager shouting at the 29 year old actor, trying his best to keep him awake. Occasionally the actor would blink his eyes open with great struggle and close back as soon as the light hit his black orbs. The driver continued to drive away, searching for a trustable place.

The very medicine killed his love, now pushing him away from life.

The actor's reputation was keeping him away from his treatment now. He requires the best care but somewhere private and protected. Imagine tomorrow's newspaper with the 29 year old actor' photo lying in a hospital bed with discussion about his anger issues and other health issues.

When they were approaching the main city, a quiet, tired, lost voice spoke,
" Please take me to her. "

Both the manager and the driver's head snapped up at him and the driver reconciled his position more quickly than the manager.

"What? AJ you need hospital and treatment now, " The manager snapped at the actor in worry.

"No, no, I need to see her, I want to apologize, take me to her, " He continued to plead and threaten the entire way with frequent sobs coming out of his mouth and the manager finally agreed to his client's request and ordered the driver to steer away the car to the graveyard.

And there he was, Mr. Andrews

Standing tall with a bouquet of yellow roses and head down, scowling at a grave with his face fully blown with disgust.

Thank you for reading the book

Yours truly,

Yours truly, S

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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