Chapter 4: New Reality

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No sooner had the last of the soup been slurped from the wooden bowl than he had asked to be excused from the table. His eagerness to go back outside earned him a sly grin from his father. Flying through the door, he raced across the field toward the oak tree. His new friend had most likely run off for the day, but maybe, just maybe, they would still be there and able to play again.

It was nearly night, and he had to be back indoors before it was dark. Going around the tree, the exposed root came into sight. To his relief, resting atop it was Zip. He lowered his hand, resting it on the root. As if excited to be in the presence of a friend, the lizard quickly scampered forward and crawled into the child's hand. United once again, warmth filled the boy's chest. He looked back at the cottage. His parents would never let him bring the lizard inside.

With a sigh, he looked down at his scaly friend. "If you're going to stick around, you need a home of your own."

The lizard crawled up his arm and rested on his shoulder. Using a stick, he dug out a small area in the dirt. Gathering pebbles and torn grass, he went to work, constructing walls and even a small comfy bed for his friend. It was the perfect home. Grabbing sticks and leaves, he topped the cozy den off with a sturdy roof.

"There. That should keep you safe and warm," he proclaimed proudly. Using his hand as a ramp, Zip crawled down his arm and slipped into its tiny new home.

Chapter 4: New Reality

32 hours after Regenifact

Matt awoke to the sound of breaking glass.

"Matt, are you ok?" said a muffled voice.

He looked toward the source but was unable to focus his eyes. His seatbelt clicked, and his head slammed into the roof of the car. Hands took hold of him and pulled him through the window. Jagged edges of broken glass clawed at his clothing.

"Can you stand?" The voice was less muffled now and sounded more like Kevin.

Matt nodded, despite the soreness that coursed through his body. With some help from Kevin, he was quickly back on his feet. Pressing his palm against the cool metal of the car, he attempted to regain his sense of balance.

"Stay here. I need to check on the others."

Before Matt could protest, Kevin had already left his side, leaving him alone with his tinnitus. Feeling less like a waterbed, the black asphalt provided increasingly better support. Barely noticeable and blending almost perfectly with its surroundings, a single ant proudly toted a bright green section of leaf. Bumping into Matt's shoe, the bug altered its course and traveled alongside his rubber sole. Nearby, the squeal of an unoiled truck door opening could be heard.

Hearing Kevin swearing loudly pulled Matt away from the entertainment. Looking in Kevin's direction, Matt realized that his vision still had some recovering to do. While distance was a bit shot for the moment, he could clearly see one of his car's filthy tires enjoying sunlight along with the worn-out wheel-well cover beneath it. His sexy sedan was totaled. He looked down and realized that he was covered in broken glass and began to wipe himself off.

The sound of quick footsteps toward him materialized through the haze of his vision into his frantic coworker. Kevin knelt down next to the car, reached in, and pulled out the broken metal chair leg. Before Kevin could stand again, a man dressed in a trucker uniform was on top of him. A hard elbow to the attacker's chest gave Kevin enough room to swing the chair leg and connect with his head. Blood peppered Kevin's shirt as the jagged end tore through the driver's flesh.

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