The Law of Surprise.

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"I love Duny, Mother. I will marry him. I will finally be free." Pavetta announced, standing her ground, voice filled with certainty. The young princess was desperately pleading with her eyes, following her mother's every move. Calanthe looked back and forth, watching everyone agree with the disfigured knight standing in front of her. A tear slid down her face as she sadly, and reluctantly handed the hilt of her sword to Eist. 

Calanthe then reached a hand towards Duny; who welcomed the handshake with tenderness. Calanthe pulled him closer, raising her lips to whisper, "Here is your destiny." The queen then pulled back, attempting to shove a dagger from under her cloak into his throat. Pavetta let out a desperate howl, her face warping into disbelief and pain. With a severe amount of force, a significant power thrust each person in the room backward. The stained-glass of the hall smashed, and candles began to whip and flicker. As Pollux was wrenched backwards, Geralt reached out to grab her before they slammed into the pilar behind them. Her vision blurred from the impact, but she clutched onto Geralt's arms and moved towards Pavetta and Duny. 

The couples feet lifted from the air, the words she whispered helped them see one another through the whipping wind, slicing through the great hall. Everyone in the hall watched in horror as the two continued to float in the air. Pollux tried to create a seal but was unable to make it in the wind. So in a desperate attempt to calm the storm she let a red fog release from her hands towards the princess. As Pavetta breathed in the fog, she was released from the spell she had cast and was thrust back into the reality of their surroundings.

The whipping wind stopped, leaving behind a mess of a hall. A darkness encased the room, illuminating the young couple in the middle of the great hall. Pollux was thrown to the ground next to Geralt. She groaned rolling around in pain. Geralt pulled her into him, and helped her stand up. She leaned into him heavily as she attempted to regain her balance. Once she had stopped seeing stars in her eyes, the two walked into the light. The witchers looked around at the guests who lay on the ground eerily still, before catching sight of calanthe who stumbled to her feet. She used the edge of the table to help herself approach her daughter. 

Pavetta ran towards her mother, helping her regain her balance. The queen gripped her daughter's arms before enveloping her into a giant hug. "I thought your grandmother's gift had skipped you as it did me. It seems I was wrong. About many things." Calanthe then turned to the crowd, holding her daughters hand tightly. "Destiny has spoken! And I have listened. The Law of suprise will be honored. Pavetta will marry Lord Urcheon." Murmurs began to arise through the crowd, an air of disapproval surrounding them. Eist stood and moved behind Calanthe. 

"React poorly, and you won't just face the Lioness, you will be facing the sea hounds of Skellige. Because Queen Calanthe has agreed to my proposal of marriage." Eist proudly announced, taking his place behind Calanthe. Though Kyana found it difficult to believe, as he had been flirting with her earlier, she couldn't find it within her to care. It was clear to her that Eist cared about Calanthe, and would be a good fit for the kingdoms.

Though she wished to go congratulate the two couples, she didn't dare move for fear of passing out. She groaned as spots continued to cloud her vision, still leaning heavily on Geralt. He turned his head to his partner, who was one hit from crumbling against him. Pavetta also noticed running up to Pollux, who could barely tell who see was. The princess thanked her to which Pollux barely managed a nod in response. "I wish both of you couples a life time of happiness

"There will be two vows to night. I assume this is agreeable." Calanthe bellowed to the disheveled crowd. They all murmured reluctantly in agreement. "Perfect."

Having received the blessing from Calanthe, Pavetta and Duny knelt before her. Their hands conjoined as they awaited the tying of the blue  cloth around their hands. Pollux stayed glued to her partners side, Eist stood to her left as they watched Calanthe marry the two before them. Any of the crowed who objected kept silent and watched in disappointment.

"Pavetta, Duny, with my blessing, I thee bind." Pavetta, looked to mother in thanks, and smiled proudly at her. The couple then looked to one another, smiling brightly and sealed their marriage with a kiss. However, when the two broke the kiss, Duny hurled over, beginning to cough and convulse violently. Pavetta's happy expression was soon replaced with on of fear. Duny collapsed on the ground, writhing in pain. Geralt looked at his partners indifferent expression as she watched the curse unbind itself from Duny.

Lying on the floor, was no longer a grotesque hedgehog, of a man. Instead, lay a handsome, young man with curly dark hair and a strong face. He removed his glove laughing as it was pale skin rather than the grey crackled mess that once replaced his skin. He laughed in disbelief as he kissed Pavetta once more. "The bell has not rung yet, how did the curse break? What happened?" Pavetta questioned.

"Calanthe's blessing of the marriage has fulfilled a destiny. The curse has been lifted." Moussack observed, smiling softly. 

'Whew." Jaskier laughed breaking the filling tension in the room. "I think this has the making of my greatest ballad yet." Polluxed, laughed breathily as Geralt sighed.

"If you are alive in the morning. Do not group for trout  in any peculiar rivers until dawn." Geralt huffed, pulling his partner along gently.

Duny stood. "No wait. You both saved my life. I must repay you." He said, stopping the two witchers where he stood.

Pollux raised a dismissive hand before gently replying. "You've proven yourself the kind of man who would do the same. You owe us nothing.' They turned to leave again but not before Duny reached out. He was clearly not willing to let them leave without payment. They had defended him and saved his relationship. The least he could do was repay them. He continued to beg them. Praying them to not believe they were doing a service. His unwillingness to live in the shadow of debt would be his downfall. Geralt who could not take them seriously looked to them ponderingly before jokingly accepting.

 He then said. "Fine, I claim the tradition as you have, the Law of Surprise. Give me that which you already have but do not know."

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