Ice Cream Reunion & Reminiscing

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Talking: "Ruby where are you ya little cookie monster"


Thinking/ Typing: (I swear Imma dye yang's hair if she tries to mess with me while I sleep)

Berserk: "I'LL KILL YOU ADAM!!!"

A/n: And we're back boys so have some RWBY memes

A/n: And we're back boys so have some RWBY memes

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A/n: Now let's get this ICE CREAM... Also Y/n's new theme is up top


Vale one of the four kingdoms of remnant and the home of one wolf faunus who was currently sitting on a bench with two ice cream cones in his hands one was just vanilla and the other was Neopolitan which happened to be the entire reason why he was. So he waited until one ice cream colored girl sat down next to him and grabbed the second ice cream cone

(A/n: like I said in the harem chapter she is EVERYONE'S FAVORITE FLAVOR andid you disagree with Neo being S tier then I will be under your bed when you sleep tonight)

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(A/n: like I said in the harem chapter she is EVERYONE'S FAVORITE FLAVOR andid you disagree with Neo being S tier then I will be under your bed when you sleep tonight)

Y/n: "So Neo how've ya been? Also when exactly were you gonna tell me you were working for roman?"

Y/n looked over to his side and saw that Neo was paying more attention to her ice cream then listening to him. Growl quietly enough so that he wouldn't draw attention from anyone but still loud enough so that Neo would look his way which she. Neo pulled out her scroll and began typing

Neo: (Did you say something?)

Y/n: "How long have you been working for torchwick ya dork?"

Neo: (Hey that's no way to talk to your elders!)

Y/n: "Neo your twenty one not eighty"

Neo puffed her cheeks out and slapped Y/n on the shoulder before returning to her ice cream. Y/n sighed knowing the only way to get Neo to calm down was to do 'THAT'. So he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do and leaned down towards Neo. Who for a moment ignored him but eventually temptation got the best of her and she grabbed Y/n's ears. Stroking them gently as she typed on her scroll

Raging Wolf (RWBY x Male Wolf Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now