Chapter 1. (hexside)

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Hunter POV:

(knock knock) "hmm?" *Opens door* "Oh, hello kikimora." "Hello golden guard, the emperor wishes for your presents in the throne room." "Ok, I'll be down in a few." *I close the door* "I wonder what he needs." *I get on my uniform and head down to the throne room* "Ahh there you are hunter." "I was told you needed me?" "Ah yes I'm enrolling you in Hexside school of magic and demonics. You start in an hour get on your uniform." *he tossed my uniform to me* "And head to school" "What track will i be studying?" "You will be studying the potions track." "Is there anything in particular you want me to do?" "No, i just think it's best for you to be in school and make some friends." "Ok, I'll go get ready and head to class." *So i get ready and I go to school* ......... (At hexside) "Ok you can do this.....can you?" "Pep talk?" *I jump while turning around and......I see a boy with green hair* "haha sorry didn't mean to scare ya." "Who are you?" "Edric, and you must be new?" "Uhm ya...." "What's your name?" "Hunter....." "Ok Hunter nice to meet you, what class you heading to?" "Potions, I think that's obvious considering my uniform is yellow?" "HA, ya i guess, stupid question. I'm also heading to potions, wanna walk together?" "Uhm sure?" "GREAT! Follow me!" *He grabbed my hand and dragged me throughout the hallways* "We're here!" *We walk into the classroom and sit down waiting for the teacher to come* "So what school did you go to before hexside?" "Oh, I was uh homeschooled my whole life." "Neet! My parents never had time to homeschool me so I always went to school, And I never really needed to be homeschooled anyways." *The teacher walked in the classroom and made me introduce myself* "Uhm hi m-my name is h-hunter...." *I looked at the teacher who just told me to take a seat where i was sitting before* "Have you ever actually talked to any kids your age?" "Um no I never really left the cas- I mean...the house.." "Uh huh well after this boring class I'll take you to meet my sister and her gf." "Ok, sounds good." *Class had just ended and I was packing up my bag and once I was done Edric once again grabbed me hand and dragged me to the cafeteria where we sat down next to another girl with green hair and a girl with brown hair and some....spikes? In her hair?* "Hello blonde you must be new! I'm Emria and this is Viney" "Hello" "and who might you be that my brainless brother has brough to this table?" "HEY YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!" "Nope!" "Haha I'm hunter" "Well Hunter I have one thing to say.....RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!" "I'M NOT THAT BAD EMRIA!!" "OH YES YOU ARE!" "AM NOT!" "ARE TO!" "AM NOT!" "ARE TO!" *That went on for 27 minutes* "WOULD YOU TWO CALM DOWN!!" *The brown haired girl yelled* "Yes mam" "Yes mam" "Haha uhm sorry but I forgot your name...." "Oh it's Viney and you're Hunter?" "Ya that's me." "Well it's always nice making new friends! Btw do either of you know why Luz, Amity, Gus, Matt and Willow didn't show?" "Uh I think they were helping clean up the grudgby field With boscha." "Oh ok thanks babe." *She blushed viciously at that nickname* "Aww love birdssss." "Edric I will murder you in your sleep if you don't shut up." "Don't do that." "Don't test me boy." *I Whisper to Viney* "She's scary..." "Ya I'm quite aware." "So are you and Emria official?" "Yup been together for a few weeks now." "That's so sweet. She seems like a very nice person when she's calm." "She's is a very nice person when she's calm-" (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) *I jumped so fast* "Woah you alright?" "Ya that just scared the living titan out of me" "Ha ya get used to it bud." "I'll try." "Wanna hang out after school Hunter?" "Uh I'll have to ask my uncle if I can then sure." "Great! If you can meet me, Edric, Viney, Luz, Gus, Matt, Mittens, and Willow out front." "Ok if I can't I'll swing by and say so." "OK! I'm off to class now cya later!" "Cya! Maybe!" *I asked belos if I could hang out with some friends I made, he debated on letting me go but he said yes after a little time, but i had to be back by a time. So now just a matter of waiting till school was done for the day*..............*It was finally the end of class sweet mother of titan was that boring, welp time to head to the front of the school* "HEY HUNTER!" "Hey Edric!" "So can you stay?" "Ya I just have to be a time." "Yay! Anyways thi-" "I'm Luz! Nice to meet you!" "Hi Luz I'm Hunter." "This is Amity, Gus, Matt and Willow!" "Hello." Hi Hunter It's nice making new friends!" *Gus seems very sweet, Amity she doesn't like me very much, Matt looks like he's here for Gus, And Willow looks very friendly* "Nice to meet you guys." *Amity pulled me aside* "I don't trust you very much but you're friends with my brother and sister so I'll let it slide just this once but if you do ANYTHING to make then sad....I will destroy you in a blink of an eye. Got it?" "Loud and clear." "Good glad you understand." *She is scarier than Emria* "Hunter! Amity! We're going to the market so hurry up with your little chit chat and get over here!" "Don't worry we are done I was just talking to him." *She gives me a stink eye and walked away.* "Come on Hunter!" *Edric once again! Grabbed my hand a started dragging me* "Is this how it's always going to be from now on?" "YUP! GET USED TO IT!" *sigh* "Alright then" *When we finally got to the market Edric let go as soon as he realized he was holding my hand* "So Edric I can't help but see you have found yourself a bf?" *Emria teased* "WHAT!? NO!" "Mhm sureeeeee whatever helps you sleep at night brother. So Hunter?" "Hm ya?" "What do you think of my brother?" "I- uhm how do i answer that question?" "Would you date him?" *Edric spat out the water he was drinking* "EMRIA!" "What!?" "Haha uhm I'm not sure. He seems nice and all but.." "But what are you ok?" "ya I'm fine it's that Idk how my uncle would react to me dating a guy yk?" "Ohhhhh. Ya I get it my mother wasn't so pleased that I am with Viney and Amity is with Luz" "Ya when I told her I was with Luz her face was so red my father had to tell me to go to my room while he calmed her down but now she doesn't care." "But if my uncle wasn't the way he is maybe I would..." *Edric went so red* "Ohhhhhhhhhhh so my brother might just get himself a bf." "Well my uncle wants me home now so I'll cya later!" *They all said bye to me but nicely and I wasn't used to that I'm used to always being told bye to leave them alone but this time they were saying bye in a nice tone so it was different......but a good different and I can't wait for tomorrow to see them all again* "You're late!" "I'm sorry uncle...I'll be sure to me on time next time i leave..." "Yes you better! Anyways! How was school?" "It was good I made a bunch of friends." " That is good. You can talk to them after school till 9:00 if you feel like it if not then you better be here and report about your day." "Yes sir." "Good now go to sleep you have school tomorrow." "Yes sir goodnight." "Goodnight Hunter." *I went up to my room and got ready for bed and fell asleep*

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