page 35 four against one

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However it punches through it and hits Omega Broly in the face defeating him. The Conqueror says "You beat it before bit how about when it goes all out can you still win?" Omega Broly says "So you were holding back? That makes two of us face my full power and die!" Omega Broly's power increases dramticlly the Earth begins to shake violently. The sky turns black Lightning fills the black skys but it finally stops returning everything to normal. Omega Broly looks over at both Conqueror's and says "This is my full power Conqueror I will use this power to destroy you" The Conqueror's Skeleton goes for an attack. Omega Broly evades it without having to try. The Conqueror activates another abillity he creates a Shadow version of himself who enters Hyperactive Mode Ultra Hyperactive Mode Focussed Hyperactive Mode and Mastered Hyperactive mode. It joins the fight against Omega Broly. Omega Broly is evadeing every last attack without having to try that much. The Conqueror activates another abillity createing a Spirit version of himself. It enters Hyperactive Mode Ultra Hyperactive Mode Focussed Hyperactive Mode and Mastered Hyperactive mode than it joins the battle. Omega Broly is evadeing all of the attacks bearly every attack comes close to hitting him. However before Omega Broly can attack. The Conqueror himself joins in the attack.  The Conqueror is in Mastered Hyperactive Mode. Omega Broly is punched in the face by the Conqueror he is than punched in the gut by The Conqueror's Skeleton and shot in the back with an Energy attack by The Conqueror's Shadow. He is also hit in the back of the head by the Conqueror's Spirit self. The four Conqueror's begin to beat the crap out of Omega Broly who is unable to keep up with them.

The Legacy of John book five The ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now