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Description: Shapeshifters, They're SHAPE + SHIFTERS

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Description: Shapeshifters, They're SHAPE + SHIFTERS

Speed: ?

Danger Factor: Theyarethemostdangerousthingintheentireuniverse.

Strength: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10. 

Usually Found: The places of darkness, that piano, that tree, or even that device you're using to read this.

Weaknesses: everything and nothing.

Size: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10.

Attacks: everything. If you see one they are your greatest fear, and you will never see them.

Color: ?

Weapons: what not?

Other Facts: can take on a living or dead person's physical appearance by shedding their skin, When they shift they become the person they're copying gaining everything including fingerprints and DNA; they can also copy wounds, most shapeshifters can only copy creatures they've seen (But not all of them.).

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