Prologue. 0

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POV: Selena

Thirteen missed calls later.

'Hit me', I answered Morello's call, rushing out of the shower.

'Selena', Morello sighed in relief, 'thank God you're okay'.

'Why? Is everything okay?'

'Remember the mob of tyrants that have been at us for months? We think they were around here. We heard a woman was just murdered'. Eyes almost bulging out of my sockets, I gasped. They assumed I was the one killed.

'Who was murdered?' Eleven of my missed calls came from Sergio, and the rest from others at work.

'We don't know ye –'

'Selena?! I called you a hundred times!' the voice changed.

'Sergio?' he must've snatched Morello's phone. In the heat of the commotion, they sounded out of breath, 'where's Layla? Where's my daughter?' I asked.

.... It will all make sense when you continue reading...

Main POV Characters:




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