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At the end of the day, the two of us became extremely close. We talked for hours and hours about so many things. I had never talked so much before that and I had never had a better conversation before either. I used to hate conversations. Not anymore.

You see, there are different kinds of love and romance in the world. After everything that's happened to me recently, I can say I've learned that.

Gray is my best friend. He first approached me when I was falling apart. I'm extremely grateful for him and I want to go back to him. At first, I thought I had a crush on him. Maybe back then I did. But now I understand that he is my friend.

Miles and I share a deeper connection. We understand each other and know how to make each other feel better when we're upset. I love him and he loves me. We are happy when we're together, and it's a special kind of happiness that nothing or no one else can give me. I believe that we're soulmates.

The next day, Miles and I said thank you and goodbye to the town I grew up in. I turned my back on it for good after that. Or, maybe I might visit it again in the future. The future is always filled with different kinds of surprises, some good and some that teach you a life lesson. I've learnt that now. It's funny when you look back. I was living a normal and boring life

I also offer all gratitude to Mia, who has supported me throughout my life before I met those two. She gave me shelter, food, care and advice whenever I needed it. Whenever I can, I always stay in contact with her, asking her how she is and what kind if things she's been up to.

Gray was overjoyed to see us so soon. We explained everything to him.

"I always knew that you two would be perfect for each other. I set you both up. I shipped you both before you even met." Gray laughed as he spoke. He made it seem so obvious, how he planned out the entire story. "Skylar, you and I are 'friendship from the fire' unfortunately. I was just flirting with you and teasing you that day. It was funny how you were struggling with your emotions at that time. Now, this beautiful love story has unfolded itself, and you know who you have true feelings for."

"You're definetely the greatest actor I've ever met." I praised him. "You're telling me you had this whole thing planned out when you first met me? I was so clueless at the time that it kind of hurts to look back. That's how embarrassing it was!"

Miles chuckled next to me. "When Gray left me to go to your town, he says that he was on an extremely important mission. He admitted that it was crazy, but said that if it worked, that I would gain from it. I didn't believe him at the time. I thougt that he had used it as an excuse to abandon me. I was wrong though."

That day was possibly the most memorable and sweet one in my life. Later on, I called Mia and we had a lovely conversation catching up.

The three of us started a mission that we were going to work on for the rest of our lives. We are going to help people who are suffering like I used to.

Life is beautiful. I know I've said it before, but you ought to hear it again. Remember it always. Share the message too. Life is beautiful.

I don't want want to end my story here, but I must say goodbye readers. Thank you for joining me on my adventurous story. Please take care of yourselves and be kind to others. That is all I request.

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