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Over the weeks, I've gotten closer to Gray. I've also gotten slightly closer to the twins, but not as close as I've gotten to Gray.

Currently, I am sitting by the lake, pondering life. Quite a lot has happened over this past week.

Mia has moved out of the country permanently.

This is the most significant thing that has happened. I'll really miss her. So much. It feels like a betrayel that she's left. Even if we aren't exactly friends, she's always had my back when I needed a place to stay.

Yet, I never really spoke to her, made sure she was ok or helped her. I kind of regret it now. Not speaking to her more, or helping her with little things.

I gave her a tight hug and a small gift before she left. I have her number, so I'll make sure to keep in contact with her. And I hope to go and visit her someday too.

Also, I think I've made up my mind now. I quit my job. I told Gray that we were going to do this.

We were going to burn down the school and runaway. I've made up my mind.

He seemed overjoyed when I told him.
"I'll tell you all the little things and show you all the little things you don't know about me." He whispered as a response.

I don't know what he meant by that. But like all things in my life, I'm sure I'll eventually find out.

It was going to happen in the summer holiday. In the evening time. We fixed the day too. We even prepared for the running away.

It doesn't feel real. It's so nearby I could grasp it in my hands. It's literally next week.

Today was the last day of school before the summer holiday. I manged to get through another school year. I thought.

I sighed and layed down. It's common for me to sleep outside nowadays. It's calming and easier.

Just another week. And I'll be gone. Far away, running away. With Gray. The thought makes me smile. I've had such a boring life growing up, alone. Finally, there's some excitement and fun.

I'm looking forward to this. I wonder if we'll really get away with it. And I wonder what I'll be doing afterwards.

Soon, I peacefully fell asleep, dreaming about all sorts of things.

All I can remember are the bright lights and the flowers that were surrounding me as I was running. I ran and ran and didn't seem to get tired. Strangely, I seem to recall being all alone through it all.

It was somehow familiar to me.

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