Firewall, holding a shot baton : TELL ME THE NAME OF GOD YOU FUNGAL PIECE OF SHIT
Malware byte : Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is nothing your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.
Firewall, aiming : IM NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOUBodier : I identify as a threat. My pronouns are try/me.
Vyrus : I'm having salad for dinner!
Vyrus : well, fruit salad.
Vyrus : Actually, it's mostly grapes.
Vyrus : Ok, it's all grapes.
Vyrus : Fermented grapes.
Vyrus : It's wine. I'm having wine for dinner.Corruption : tryna murder a program
Firewall, off to the side : Don't quote me on this, but I believe murder is illegal.Oliva : Ayy smack cam-
Vyrus : Bitch I hope the FUCK you do, you gonn be a dead son of a bitch, I tell you that!(Oh boy :) )