Chapter 13: Gardening

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--YOU  pull your legs up to your chest, turning your head to the right as the moonlight glows on your skin.
Turning your head didn't seem to do you good, so you lift your head up, them back.
The room was so calming, that you curled your lips into a smile, raising your hands in the air, and flipping your hair to the side.
You sense a shift of atmosphere to the room, turning around to see who was present.
You notice the figure is Ruv, and he started at your motionless body on the bed.
"Get up. I know you're awake." Ruvyzvat mutters before leaving your room without another word. 
"Why so early?.." You whisper to yourself, rubbing your eyes, swing your feet off the bed.
You use all your bodily strength at this moment to stand on your two feet, pushing your legs straight.
You between to slouch as you make your way to the man that stood before you.
You tilt your head up, squinching your eyes, then rubbing them again to strengthen your vision.
"Yes, Ruvyzvat? Is there something I need to do?" You ask him, as he backs up from you.
"Get ready. Sarvente said we are going to do gardening today." He replies as he turns and makes his leave.
You stare at him, without saying a word as you slowly walk towards your closet.


You now have your desired garden attire on as Sarvente is finally back.
"Awwwww- You're so adorable!!" Sarvente exclaims while pinching your cheek.
You blush at her actions, causing her to gush even more about how cute you are.
"Stop with this chit chat, and let's go already." Ruvyzvat stated annoyed, as the two of you quickly followed after.
Sarvente quickly ran Infront of the two of you before looking over to you both and smiled.
"I know where to go! I have some friends there that could garden with us too!" Sarvente happily exclaims as you stopped your face into twisting into a grimace.
Both you and Ruv felt the urge to give eachother a glance right as she said that. Why Sarvente, why?
As you both gazed away from eachother, Sarvente happily yelled "We're here!", Which caused you to turn around and stare in awe at the huge gardening area.
You didn't even have much time to gaze as you were dragged in the place by Ruv.
Getting back to your feet, you realize that random people approached the three of you as they introduced themselves.
You introduce yourself as well, wishing that the conversation would end quickly, and your wishes were granted when Sarvente took the upper hand in the conversation.
All of you start to stroll in the huge garden area, picking up watering pots and choosing feeders for the plants.
⟩»Basically, this whole gardening place is like a little area for gardeners to hang out, chat, and take care of plants. All the plants in this area are endangered and the community decided to plant them in this area so individuals that come here can take here of them. You can even take garden tools and plants home!«⟨
You notice a beautiful cactus plant standing on a shelf near the garden area as your eyes sparkle.
"Sarv has always wanted one. . . Right?" You ask yourself as you turn your head around onto the others.
"Excuse me-" You were cut off my everyone cutting you off and talking over you, as you feel your throat shut from embarrassment.
"I-" You were cut off once again, why did you even try? You sigh, stopping in your tracks and facing your head to the ground.

As you look up, you gasp as you see Ruv turn around and bent on one knee, placing his hand under your chin and lifting your head up to look at him.
"I'll listen".
You struggle to remain eye contact with him as blush spreads across your whole face. You were absolutely astonished by his actions you couldn't even speak.
"Oh, I- I just wanted to tell Sarvente about the cactus there she would have wanted. . ." You mumble as you glares at you for a second before standing up fully and taking the plant with him.
Since Ruv was blocking your way, you could finally see that everyone had left you both.
Your eyes fill with panic as you turn around, moving your feet and running up to Ruv to alert him about the news.
Upon telling him the news, it doesn't take him 5 seconds to throw you the plant and to scoop you in his arms as he starts running for his life.
He opens the large glass doors that lead to the gardening area as you notice Sarv flowering plants and talking with other people.
You leap out of Ruv's grasp and you immediately run over to Sarv, without realizing Ruv poured something under his breath as your leave.
As you make your way to Sarvente, she turns around to you and smiles, placing her arm around your shoulder.
She smiled ever-so-beautifully as she asked you where you were.
"Ahh, I was with Ruvyzvat, I apologize for my tardiness." You excuse as you tilt your head to meet your eyes with Sarv's.
You could have swore she was giving you a smirk for an expression, but it was replaced with a warm and gentle smile.
"That's nice! And. . ." She looks over to the cactus you are currently holding in your hands, staring at it with glee. ". . . Who's this beauty for?" She asked, basically taking the thing from your hands, carefully examining it.
"It's for you, actu-" "REALLY?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" The woman suddenly yellows, wrapping her arms around you as your eyes widen.
"It's okay. . ." You mumble as she stops hugging you and grabs your hand, leading you to a berry picking section.
"Here's a basket, (name)!" Sarvente exclaims as she turns around and happily skips over to the blueberry section.
You turn your head away from her, walking up to the raspberry bush, vending down and taking a close look at the plant that stood before you.
"It's beautiful. . ." You think we you place your finger on the beautiful pink colored fruit as you start picking them up and placing them in your basket.
You take your sweet time, carefully managing the plants. Ruv on the other hand. . . Is zipping across the while garden, taking up everything in sight.
You're done now, so you use your arms to bring your body up off the the floor as you dust off your knees, and you pick up the b-
At that point, someone knocks you straight into the floor, causing your lucius fruit to unfortunately go unharmed, but fell all over the floor.
You feel your eyes tear up as you watch each individual one roll across the floor, out of the basket.
Suddenly, all the berries are quickly being transported to the basket. . . By Ruv.
He must have been the one to crash into you, but that doesn't matter now.
In order to help Ruv pick up the berries, you grab one of them to only have your hands scooped by by Ruv's own.
You looked at him with a confused face as he pushed himself closer to you, bringing your captured hands higher.
"Don't worry about it, (name). This was caused by me." Ruv yells toy, releasing your hands and allowing you to place the last berry in the basket.
At that time, Sarvente ran up to you both, telling you that it's time to go. You and Ruv pick up your baskets, dusting off yourselves and following Sarv.


You are currently laying in your bed, letting the moonlight hit your skin as your stare into darkness.
You already ate your dinner that Sarvente made and you bathed as well.
You curl your lips into a small smile as you think about all the gestures Ruv has done to you today. You couldn't help but feel this way towards him.
You turn your body over, facing your door so the light from the moon wouldn't shine in your tired eyes.
As you slowly drift to sleep, you keep thing about Ruv over and over again. . .smiling to yourself as you whisper:
"I love him."

I apologize for not posting sooner. I'm extremely sorry. . .

Published: September 30 2022

By: MoonBliss

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