movie night part one

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This is my first time writing anything to publicly post in a really long time so it's probably going to suck but here we go.

It's kinda gonna be a vent fic. Between seasons 13 and 14. If you read this I hope you like it. :)

This is a lot longer than I meant for it to be so I broke it up into two chapters sorry, I started writing and couldn't stop so

Also in 14x7 they say Jack's DOB is 5/18/2000 so I'm going with "physical body age" as 17

*The Bunker, Lebanon, Kansas*

Dean woke up to a crash in the kitchen, "Great Cas is probably trying to help Sam cook again." he thought as he rolled over to see the red numbers on his clock lighting up '9:52 a.m.'. It was nice to not have anything waking them up at the crack of dawn for once. Slowly, he rolled out of bed, not really bothering to get dressed beyond throwing on his raggedy slippers and his robe. He made his way into the kitchen and poured his coffee, listening to the banter between the other two men.

    "Sam and I made pancakes and bacon." Cas started with a dorky smile across his face.

    "Well I made breakfast, Cas tried to help but uh... I'm sure you can see how it really went." Sam chuckled as Cas's smile turned into a bit of confusion, "But, it will be good for Jack to eat more than that sugary cereal, even if this still isn't super healthy."

    "I don't see why you don't just let the kid eat what he wants, he's half archangel. I'm sure that his body can handle all the 'poisons' in whatever junk he's eating" Dean said, making an effort to show his sarcasm, while still half asleep. "Where is the kid anyways, still asleep?"

    "Yes. I should probably go wake him."

    "No Cas, you're still covered in pancake mix, and you guys have all these dishes to do, I got it." Dean mumbled already halfway to the door. When he got to the door he knocked softly and waited a moment before opening the door. "Hey kiddo, you up?" Jack grunted a little bit as he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge. He loved these kind of mornings. Dean shook him a bit as he started to stir. "Sammy and Cas made us breakfast ,come on out so we can eat, then maybe we can find a case." He said, softly though his voice was still gravely from his sleep. The mention of finding a case got Jack moving a bit quicker. He sat up and pulled his plush "Star Wars" blanket over his shoulders. Rubbing his eyes, he stood up and followed Dean back to the kitchen.

    "Good morning." Jack said with an adorable soft smile as he sat down at the table, looking over all the food. Usually Dean made breakfast if they had time for more than a bowl of cereal, so Sam making it was a bit of a surprise. He was mainly just curious to see if any of it was good or if it was all 'some healthy hippie mumbo jumbo' as Dean would say. Soon enough they were all digging in, with the exception of Castiel, eating in a comfortable silence.

    After they finished eating, they were researching for a case, the four all sat in the library looking through the local news from several different towns, possible signs, and police reports. Jack was still somewhat new to the whole researching thing so after about an hour of no luck, he started looking for possible zombie sightings. He knew zombies weren't really a thing, at least not like TV zombies, but he still wanted to hunt one. Once 4:00 rolled around they were all getting kind of tired of searching for a case. Dean was only paying half attention to whatever Sam and Cas were talking about, and Jack was watching some show on his laptop.

    "Alright," Dean huffed while standing up, "I don't think we're gonna find anything today, and honestly I think we're all deserving of a much needed night in." A chorus of agreement followed. "I think I have the perfect idea of what to do. Sammy, you're on snacks, Cas can get some beer, and Jack and I will set everything up. Meet back here at six." Sam and Cas left a few minutes later, leaving Dean and Jack.

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