Movie Night Part 2

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About half an hour later Jack started to stir, stretching his arms out only for them to be met by someone's body. Quickly, he jumped up, taking a minute to assess his surroundings.

"Hey Jack, you feelin' better now?" he jumped before realizing that it was Dean. He stared at him blankly before memories of what happened. He dropped his head, feeling the heat rising in his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. When are we going to watch the movies?" He said, rushing to change the topic.

"Well... I was kinda hoping we could talk about what happened earlier.."


"Listen, I know I'm probably not who you want to be talking to about anything, and I avoid the 'chick flick moments' but it's okay. I just want to make sure that you're okay. I promise whatever it is I'm not gonna be mad, I'm just worried."

"Okay." Jack said, lifting his head slightly. "It's just that when I first got here you hated me, and you threatened to kill me the second I messed up and I've messed up so many times. I feel like you still hate me sometimes, but you just pretend for Sam and Castiel. I kind of just assume everything is fake but then, you brought me in here and showed it all to me, and even though we were alone you called me family, then I got happy so I hugged you without thinking and thought you were going to get mad at me-"

"Wait," Dean cut him off," You thought that I was gonna get mad at you for huggin me?"

"Well, yes. But then you didn't and you hugged me back and I didn't know how to respond. Then you asked what was wrong and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to have to deal with me but you took me over here and I wanted to be close to you again so I moved over and then you moved. So I was sad, but you moved back. Then you told me to get on the couch and I said no, I thought you were gonna be mad because I wasn't talking and leave but you didn't and you figured out why and you fixed it. Then you were trying to figure out what was wrong and you said I 'was like a son to you'. That's when I couldn't hold it in anymore. Then you let me lay on you, and you put on "Star Wars" without me even asking- and you dealt with all the weird things with the talking, and the velvet, and stuff. I don't know - I just - I thought you hated me..." He lowered his head again not sure what reaction he would get.

"Jack listen - look at me", Dean said calmly, lifting Jack's chin. That's when Jack saw the tears threatening Dean's own eyes. "I have never hated you, yea it was a bit rough there but you gotta remember I was basically raised in this life. You can't be in this line of work for that long and trust people. I know I'm a bit rough, but I was doing what I thought was the right thing, and that doesn't always make it right. I'm sure we've both learned that lesson. The truth is I honestly could never see myself hurting you though, as much as I wanted to hate you. Yea, you've messed up, but we all have hell, me and Sam literally broke the first and last seal to the freakin' apocalypse. Me 'acting' like I liked you wasn't acting, I just have a hard time with the whole feelings thing. I do see you as family, as a son even. We all love you Jack. Now, as for the hugging thing. We could go super deep into the reason I'm always avoiding bein all touchy-feely, but I think that's for another day. I may be a bit rough on the edges, but you are my kid-our kid, I will always be here to give you what you need. Even if it's a hug or something. I don't want you to ever think I'm gonna get mad about that. Truth is I like it, maybe it catches me off guard but I do. It makes me feel the same way I did when Sammy was little. As for the other things, I see more than you think, notice more. I know that you not talking much happens when you get upset and that's okay, and I've seen you watch every Star Wars movie like ten times, and the couch took me a second but then I remembered that time we were doing laundry and you wouldn't touch the towels and how you liked the carpet. I care about you a lot kid, I hope you see that, but if you ever doubt it - if I ever do anything that makes you doubt it, I will always be here to reassure you. I'm so sorry I ever made you think that Jack." By the end they both had silent tears running down their faces.

"I-" Jack cut himself off by hugging his dad. Dean hugged back even tighter, taking in every second the small frame of the boy was pressing against him. Moments later, Dean broke the hug.

"Alright, I'm gonna go see if Sam and Cas got everything. Why don't you find us some movies?", he suggested walking out.

"Wait, De-"

"Yep Star Wars blanket, got it. I'll also grab you some sweats and a flannel in case you wanna get on the couch."

After stopping by Jack's room for the blanket, and his own for the clothes since he couldn't find Jack's sweats and knew he liked a pair of his, he went to find the others.

"Sam! Cas!"

"We are in the library, Dean." Cas yelled back

"Hey, everything okay now?"

"Yeah, we're all good now Sammy."

"Wait, what happened?"

"Yea, I didn't really know what to tell Cas, so maybe fill us in?"

"I'm just gonna say me and the kid had some overdue bonding time."

"Well, it sounds like everything is okay now, let's go watch some movies."

"Ok just gotta grab one more thing." As they all headed down the hall Dean stopped at a spare room they kept ready for other hunters coming through and grabbed all the pillows off the bed.

"Alright kiddo, here, you can go change while we set everything up." He had a feeling Jack might prefer the floor to the couch, and he'd be damned if he was going to leave him after all that. As Cas and Sam sat out all the snacks, ranging from nougat bars, to popcorn, chips, and pie to Sam's hippie crap, he made a pallet on the floor with all the blankets and pillows. When Jack got back, swimming in Dean's sweats and flannel, he saw Dean on the floor and smiled. He knew now that the questioning was over. He knew Dean actually liked him.

"Hey Jack, what movies are we watching tonight?"

"Oh, well I was thinking that we could watch 'Revenge of the Sith' then maybe we could watch 'Lord of the Rings' but I couldn't decide after that. You guys should pick."


"I don't care and I'm sure Cas doesn't either, why don't you pick?"

"Ok, Great 'Godzilla' and 'All Saint's Day' it is

Everyone got settled in as Jack started up the movie, and sat criss-cross, wrapping up in his blanket, with his family all around him. 

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