Four: You Make My Nightmares

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Since the Weasleys moved to 12 Grimmauld Place, this apartment has never been at peace, and neither have I. As much as I appreciated the company, it was unbearable at times. The constant shouts, scuffles and twin's jokes were draining, especially when you added Molly's overprotectiveness and piercing screams from Mrs. Black.

No wonder Remus was rarely there. Before Harry Potter joined us, I only met him at Order meetings, after which he made some excuse and either went to his room or left the house. It was also tiring - he was so close and yet so far away from me. My feelings were bugging me, which made me wonder for days when will be the next time I would see him, what could I do to get his attention, to stop him for a moment for a talk. It was impossible to live like this.

I'm not sure what changed with Potter's arrival, but Remus seemed to be around more. He was still out most days, fulfilling his responsibilities for the Order, but every now and then he stayed for supper or a brief stroll to the Drawing Room. Perhaps he didn't have someone to stay for before, or perhaps he just wanted to avoid me. Those thoughts did not sit well with me.

After one of the meetings, Remus stayed for the night. After dinner, some of us went to the Drawing Room, and others went to bed, so I spent the evening in the company of him, Sirius, Harry and Ron. The room wasn't completely ready yet, but it wasn't so terrible to be there after the curtains were de-doxied.

I was seated on the couch with Sirius and Remus, a grandfather's clock in front of us. The lads sat on the rug next to us, watching our work and occasionally interrupting us with their advice.

"Is it cursed or what?" asked Ron, who had been struck by its bolt several times and had some sort of prejudice against the piece of furniture.

"Kind of," replied Sirius, trying to open the back. "All thanks to my dear mother..."

I didn't pay attention to the conversation's flow. I was seated on the edge of the couch to spell-blocked the clock from shooting, holding it to the floor. Remus was on my right, and Sirius sat next to him, so I could tune out whatever was being spoken. Except for

"So," Remus spoke up, "What have you been doing the last year?"

It was quite an unexpected question, although I must admit that I did not expect him to speak to me at all. The prospect of exchanging a few words with him was thrilling. At this point, I felt like a ravenous dog that would take any scrap thrown at his feet.

"Not much," I replied nervously, wanting to skip all the inconvenient events of the past year. "I was studying for N.E.W.Ts and there was this whole Tournament with foreign students, you know. If you ignore certain things, the story becomes rather exciting."

If you ignore the Dark Lord's return and Diggory's death, that was.

Remus cleared his throat. "And how did it go? The N.E.W.T.s, I mean."

"Don't know yet. The results should be coming soon."

I didn't care about my results anymore. My last year at school wasn't exactly the best of them all, so I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't do as well as I had hoped. Besides, if I don't die in the coming years, I probably won't get a job where the results would count, anyway.

Sirius finally opened the clock. Remus peered in. "What where you taking?"

"Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms and the Defence," I counted on my fingers.

"Haven't you had Potions on that level?" He had his back to me, but surprise was heard in his voice.

I shrugged, "Yeah, I dropped out."

Snape's behaviour was so intolerable that I gave up on his classes after a month of avoiding them. I felt bad about it since I had been working hard and it was a pity to drop out six months before the end of the school year, but relief it brought me just proved that I had made the right decision.

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