Chapter 5

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The woman was covered in snow. She had already climbed noticeably up the mountain and was looking down. The blizzard has subsided. She looked up again. It was still very high to climb the mountain, and it was already getting dark. It was necessary to wait out the night. The woman took out a pair of logs from a bundle that she had been carrying with her all this time. Kindled a fire. She wasn't sleeping, she was only warming her chilled hands. The wolves were howling around. She knew that there could not be easier prey than her. And then she saw two lights of wolf eyes. Not understanding what she was doing, she howled in such a way that the hunter wolf decided to leave her. It was a cry from the heart, a cry soaked in pain, determination and despair. Betsy woke up again and abruptly sat up on the bed. Her hands were trembling and red from the cold. How is this possible? The room was not cold. Betsy got up and checked the window, it was closed. The temperature seems to drop sharply at night. She could not freeze from the fact that she dreamed of snow the second night. Nonsense. Betsy stood under a hot shower for more than five minutes until she was completely warm. Only after her skin turned red did she come out and look at the phone. Tim wasn't sleeping either. He sent a message to Beth.

Hey. You left the party very quickly yesterday, I didn't even have time to say goodbye. I like everything here very much. Don't forget, we're going to the mountains today. Wear comfortable shoes. I'll be waiting for you near the cafe to go to breakfast together and discuss everything.


Exactly! Shoes! Tim reminded Betsy of this just in time. The fact is that Betsy really loved her sneakers. They were big, shapeless, very old, but insanely comfortable. Kate just hated them. Betsy promised her that she would throw them out and not a single living soul would see them outside their house on the outskirts. In fact, she, of course, took them with her. 

As an alternative to old sneakers, Kate bought Betsy sneakers from the latest collection of a fashion house. They were as perfect in her sister's taste as they were absolutely horrible in Elizabeth's taste. It was the quintessential pink dream of Barbie doll lovers. Everything about them was pink. Starting from the sole, ending with the laces. Plus, they shone so brightly that they could most likely be seen from space. They even had sequins and rhinestones and a scattering of beads. Kate, who created masterpieces in her workshop, could sometimes surprise with her choice of clothes. She could not accept that Betsy preferred convenience to aesthetics. Plus, she seemed to have forgotten that Betsy was no longer in kindergarten, and her colour preferences had changed a lot. Betsy understood that, most likely, the hike would be photographed today. And it was necessary to get those pink monsters spotted. And she decided to take her favourite sneakers with her and change somewhere there. That was the plan.

Betsy took a backpack with a spare jacket, sneakers, and a cap. Just in case, she also threw allergy pills. Although, the pills had never been needed since she came to this camp. As Betsy began to dress, another nasty surprise awaited her

.-Oh no. Are you kidding me? - The shoes were also too small. Betsy was so afraid to upset Kate that she didn't even measure them at home, but just put them in a common suitcase. It was very uncomfortable to walk in them. Okay, thought Beth. She will take a couple of photos, send them to Kate, and then quickly change her shoes.

Tim was waiting for her in front of the cafe building. He was dressed warmly and even put on a bright knitted hat, which looked rather ridiculous because it was summer outside. But it was not Betsy to talk about the ridiculousness of the clothes, so she just smiled at him, and they went to breakfast.

- The coffee here is just disgusting. Do you think I'm warm enough for the mountains? Will it snow there? - Tim began to ask her.

- You know, actually, I wanted to talk to you.- Betsy began.

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