Mission 1 part 1- Sui Mizu- Second best spy of SIN here!

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"hahaha-hahaha, this year was the best! Just see how much money we made! This wealth, this luxury all in the name of our boss Mr.Zou! " Said a man in a black suit pouring a glass of wine to an old man looking like he's in his 70s, fat man sitting on a luxurious big sofa surrounded with beautiful women in gowns and short dresses .
The old man says laughingly " I know just how amazing I am! I knew my strategy of selling young girls to buisness men will give us profits! Look at how our buisness has grown in these 3years! Just 3years it took for us to have these luxuries! "

"Yes sir! I knew I did the right thing to follow you when our alcohol and drug buisness got bankrupt! " Said another man in a suit with fake happiness

" Sam! You stupid idiotic man! Who told you to talk about that rubbish topic again!? I told you to not bring that topic up again! And you dare to bring it up again!? How dare you ! You stupid mud-shit! " angrily the old man shouting and kicks Sam
"Ah- sorry ..sorry sir- ah! No-no! Pls don't sir!! " Sam cries , begging the old man to stop but the man doesn't stop and keeps on beating him. All the women and men surrounding him gets scared but no one dares to stop him. Sam continues to get beaten up for 1 hour and then gets hospitalized for 1 month.

"Mr.Sam , how's your leg? Here's your report and today you're to be discharged ."

"Yes doc,I am feeling a lot better . Thank your for your hardwork." Sam replies

"Oh no, it's okay, this is my work and duty. I truly love helping people and it pays for the bills so I really love my work!"

" Haha, you really look like someone who's living their life fully." Sam looks at the doc with eyes of envy and a fade smile

"Sam, your eyes...they seem like rather dead...with no soul... why's that?..are you perhaps... envying me? If that's the case, then I'd rather you not. Because I am not someone to be envyed. My life....is not something to be proud of."

"Um...no doc. But yes I do envy you though. You're living a really good life. A life you can be proud of. A life of pureness. A pure life for a pure soul" Sam compliments the female doc with a warm smile and looks at her with eyes telling that the world she's living in is something he could never even dream of living.

All these years of slaving under Mr.Zou has made Sam envy everyone who's living their life happily even with a penny. This was not the first time Sam was beaten up, this was frequent for that old man to beat someone up deadly even for the slightest of mistakes and make their life misery. Sam was never one of his men truly. He was once a pure soul who was happy living a life of penniless but with honesty. He's only weakness was his family. He would work all day and night for his family to provide for them. But his mother was of a fragile heart. After his father passing away from cancer his life has become more difficult. Earlier him and his father would work together to provide for his mother's treatment and his sister's studies but now all the burden was under him. Seeing the situation of his family his sister Mei stopped her studies and started working part time jobs for their mother's surgery . Seeing Mei's determination Sam's goal got converted into sheer desire to provide a luxurious life for his family. Thus, he went from the right, honest, penniless path to the salvation of desires, money ,the more twisted dark past. This converted the honest, pure man into a man of twisted heart and ideals. Thus , whenever he saw pure heart like the doc , he got remained of his past pure self . He always wished for those pure hearts to stay always pure and not become like his current self. But those are things he could never tell the pure doc , for revealing his line of work or anything associated with that man could place this pure hearted woman into lots of danger which he never wanted as this woman was rather special to him. Her whole hearted smile, gracious manner and kind composure was something which soothed his heart. But these feelings of him couldn't be expressed into words. Neither he had the freedom to do so. He could only watch the pure woman taking care of him and asking for his health status everyday with a pure and wholehearted smile.

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