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Lips generous and warm
You build me up like steps
Eyes innocent and wild
Remind me what it's like

And I could easily lose my mind
The way you kiss me will work each time
Pulling me back into the flames
And I'm burning up again
I'm burning up


I finished my last smoke and pushed the end of it into the coffee table. Sighing, I walked into Aleks' kitchen and smiled at the sight of him searching for something to eat. "Fucking aye...",he muttered to himself. I chuckled loud enough for him to hear. He turned around with a scowl on his lips. " Don't laugh at me, you asshole.",he stated,"I'm trying to look for something to cook for my jerk of a guest." I placed my hand on my cheek, faking a blush. "Oh what a gentleman!",I exclaimed, giggling in my girly voice. He rolled his eyes and pushed passed me to reach the cabinet directly behind me. Aleks climbed on the counter and searched the top shelves, sighing loudly.

" Looks like we're heading out to get food.",Aleks stated, placing everything back into place. I smirked and hit him in the back of his knee, making his feet fall from under him.


I spread my arms out and caught him easily. He squirmed his way out of my arms and glared at me. "That's the second time I've saved you, princess, I would've thought you'd be more grateful.", I said, holding my hand to my heart in 'pain'. "You're the one to almost cost me my fucking life this time, you ass.",he said, throwing his hands up in frustration. He's such a cute dork, Jesus Christ.

Aleks looked up at me and shook his head softly. "So would you rather have Chinese or just go get a pizza?"

"Can't tell if you're being serious or being racist."

Punching me in the arm, he blushed.

"N-No!", he exclaimed,"I'm being serious, Kevin!"

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. "I know, I know.", I said quietly," How about we just go to the pizza joint down the street and grab a slice, okay?" I ran my hand through his hair, petting it down so it didn't look so wild. Aleks stood there, silent. His face was red and he was biting his lip, eyes closed. He pushed himself away and grabbed his jacket from the top hook near the front door. "Let's get going than.", he said, playing with the buttons on his jacket," It's late enough, hopefully it's not closed yet." Smiling, I took his arm in mind and headed towards the elevator.


No one has ever made me feel this way since Silvia died. I've stayed away from people for a long time and having so much physical contact and human communication, I have to say, it felt nice to have Kevin around today.

With his arm still locked with mine, I opened the lobby door and walked into the cold night air, pulling Kevin with me. I've always loved the nighttime. The air cooler than the morning, the stars and constellations, the shades of blue and black everywhere. It's just calming. I puffed out hot air, smiling at the smoke that appeared. I heard Kevin laugh at me and I smiled.


I stiffened and dropped the arm that was holding Kevin's down. "Aleks..?",he questioned. I shook my head and continued walking towards the small pizza shop. Kevin knew it was better to leave it be, at least for now. I know he'd ask about it as soon as we were alone. I shot him a small smile to let him know I was okay. He nodded and looked forward, avoiding my eyes until we reached our destination. I filled my lungs with the smell as soon as we entered the shop. God, there was nothing like freshly made pizza. This place was the bomb.

"I'll order us a pizza, you find us a seat, okay?"

He walked away and I let out the breath I had been holding in. I quickly located a booth near the window with small lights hanging above it. My hand traced over the wood of the table, running over the small etchings from others before me. Fucking teenagers, I thought, looking at all the names with hearts around them and their lover's name. Honestly, I shouldn't be saying anything. Hell, I was a lot worse. Writing me and Silvia's name on anything that I could get my hands on. It was bad and really lame, but she thought it was cute and didn't stop me.

I could smell Kevin before I saw him in front of me. It's crazy how easily it is to recognize people by their scent. He smells like her, so its even easier to distinguish it. He slid his hand over mine and played with my fingers, making me smile and blush. I really like this kid. I've never actually liked a guy like this before, hell, I was so sure I was straight, but he's something else. Something pretty amazing.

A waitress walked over to us and placed a small pizza in front of us, half pepperoni, half cheese.

"There you go, cutie. Eat up.",she stated, winking at me flirtatiously. Kevin tightened his hand over mine and forced a smile. " Thank you! We will.",he said loudly as she walked away. I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled softly.

"Someone seems jealo-"

"Shut up."

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

He rolled his eyes and reached out for a slice of pepperoni pizza and stretched it out until the cheese finally stopped stretching out. He folded his pizza in half and ate it like a taco.

"You are such a weirdo.", I stated, but I followed his actions and ate it the exact same way.

"That makes us both, sunshine."

Kevin smiled and continued to eat. I pretended not to notice his eyes as the kept glancing at my face. My cheeks heated up and I mentally scolded myself for being such a loser. "Is there something on my face or am I really that good looking?",I joked, posing in a random model pose. Kevin placed his hand to his chin as if he were thinking of an answer. "Hmmm...",he hummed," I would say the latter."

"You're lame."

"Yeah, but you don't mind."

And I didn't mind. Not in the slightest. I grabbed another slice of pizza and nibbled at the end of it, lost in my thoughts. That was until Kevin pushed the slice into my face. "YOU FUCKER!",I exclaimed, wiping the tomato sauce from my eyes. Kevin was on his back in the booth, laughing his ass off at his little joke. I smirked and grabbed his face in my pizza covered hands. "How about a little kissy for my Kevy Wevy?",I teased before rubbing my face on his, wiping the cheese and sauce on the both of us. I jumped off of him and ran outside quickly, giggling loudly. Running, I took a right and headed towards the playground and climbed to the top of the slide quickly.


That fucking Aleks! I am so getting him back for this. Leaving a tip on the table, I ran after him, following the pieces of cheese pizza all the way to the park. What a messy kid.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, Aleksandr...",I teased. I heard a small laugh from above and quickly climbed up the steps to the bigger slide. Staying quiet, I peeked around the corner and saw him. He was facing the opposite direction I was at and looking over the slide to try and find me. I crept up behind him and tackled him right into the slide. He screamed loudly and I wrapped my arms around him, making sure he didn't get hurt on the ride down the slide. Aleks squealed as we landed and he landed right on top of me, making me lose my breath.

"Fuck, sorry!",he said, scrambling off of me. "Don't worry, Aleks.",I coughed out, smiling at him. He grinned back at me and moved to my side, laying next to me. Our arms touched, making me feel warmer. I stared up at the sky, waiting for Aleks to name some more stars. He whispered some of the names, but never quite to me.

"Aleks?",I whispered, turning my head to face him.


"I'm glad I stopped you at the bridge. I'm happy I met you."

He stayed quiet, eyes still on the dark blue night sky.

"I know, Kevin.",he finally whispered back to me, turning his head to stare at me, resting his head against mine,"Me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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