interview #13 @TheQueenofGremlins

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1 what is the best way to handle a bully?

The advice I would give depends on the age of the person. If they're school aged and dealing with a bully, it can help to tell someone you trust for help. If you're an adult dealing with a work place bully, don't be shy about going to HR about it. I know I sound like a snitch, but bullies are not held accountable nearly as often as they should be. Also, most of the time, bullies are cowards and if you stand up for yourself, they usually back down. Just don't stoop to their level because chances are the type of person that sets out to make someone else miserable is better at that game than you are. So it's important to stand your ground, but don't try to play their games.

2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Yes, that usually surprises me, but also makes me very happy!

  3 What's your favorite snack?

Chocolate bars

4 What is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is Halloween because I love to get spooky. I love horror and am a strong believer in the paranormal, so I love when the veil is at its thinnest. I am a pagan, so it's a very important holiday for me to honor my gods, spirits and ancestors.

5 What is your favorite story?

"Watership Down" by Richard Adams

6 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love the community and how it is a great space to make new friends and share stories with people that are also passionate about writing.

7 What inspired you to write?

It's hard to say exactly. I always had a really intense imagination and felt compelled to get some of my worlds and characters down on a page to make them feel more solid.

8 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

That's really hard to pick and changes weekly. Right now I'd say my favorite song is "Push" by Matchbox twenty. I listen to a lot of different artists, so some of my main ones in the rotation are; Ghost, Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Echos, Slipknot, MISSIO, Mother Mother and Daughter

9 who is your favorite author? 

Margarette Atwood

10 What's a good piece of writing advice?

Never give up, no matter what anyone says. If a story, or even a thought, concept or character is in your heart and mind to tell, then it's worth telling no matter what.

11 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I would probably go party my face off (it should be noted I am well above legal age).


My story is "Creature of Creation." I think people who enjoy speculative fiction that explores themes on humanity, identity, love and fear would like this story.

" I think people who enjoy speculative fiction that explores themes on humanity, identity, love and fear would like this story

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