community promotion: @ShutUpAndWriteClub

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1 What is your community title?

 Shut Up and Write Club

2 Why was your community established?

 Our community was established to help writers improve their writing. Over the years we've involved from a small group of ten writers on Google Hangouts to what you can see today.

3 When was your community established?

October 2015 

4 What does your community offer?

Our community offers a fun discord server with houses that encourage competition between members. All of our activities are non-compulsory meaning if someone doesn't want to participate in something for whatever reason, then they don't have to. We have a book club starting in a few days and offer reviews and other feedback. 

5 Why should someone consider joining the community?

Shut Up and Write is a fun active community that offers help and support to writers of all ages, genres and abilities.

please click the external link to check out this community.

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