Ninja Vs. Ninja

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Gamindustri, Planeptune

We then cut to the next scene showing Neptune, IF, and Marx who are walking around Planeptune as they were trying to find a robot ninja that Marx describe to them.

Marx: Ugh... So far, we can't seem to find him.

IF: Yeah, this is going to be tough than we fought. He could be anywhere around Planeptune.

As they were walking, they ran into Chuko who was walking by as she sees them saying.

Chuko: Oh, why if it isn't you three. How unexpected to meet in a place like this.

Neptune: Oooh! You're the manager of that used game shop from before!

Chuko: Yes, and I can't thank you enough for your help. All of my stolen goods came back. If they haven't, I may have had to close my shop!

Neptune: That's great news!

Chuko: This is all I have, but please take my store discount coupons as thanks.

Neptune: Ooooh! They're coupons for getting 30% off when making a purchase over 6000 credits too!

IF: You either have a strong business sense, or you're very calculating... 

Neptune: Could you maybe give these to B-Sha instead of us? It's thanks to her we were able to catch that rat thief.

Chuko: Ah, is that so? But, really, these are gifts for all of you, so please take them. I'll prepare something else to give to B-Sha.

Neptune: Woo! I'll gladly take these!

IF: Hey, Chuko, this is off topic, but did you happen to see someone suspicious walking around with an unusual console?

Chuko: Unusual console? Is it possibly white with an orange swirly mark on it?

Marx: How did you know?!

Chuko: Don't underestimate the power of a used games shop manager! I have a comprehensive knowledge of all generations of consoles.

IF: Could you tell us what the person looked like and which way they were heading? We're looking for them right now.

Chuko: I'll gladly do so, but what is that game console that I've never heard of? It's design seemed a little antiquated, and it was pretty worn out...

Neptune: I just happened to find that thing, so I don't know the details myself.

Chuko: Then could you show it to me after you get it back? I used to go by the second name of "Hardware Appraiser Chu."

Neptune: Sure.

Next, they wave farewell to Chuko as they continue their search through Planeptune.


After a couple minutes have passed, we see B-Sha wearing her Presto Mask as she was ready to attack the thief.

B-Sha: Presto kiiick!

She successfully kick the thief which cause him to get knocked out.

Thief: Blargh?!

Planeptune Son: Thank you, Presto Mask! I'm so glad I got my transformation belt back.

B-Sha: Indeed! Your mother was nice enough to buy it for you, so don't let it get stolen again!

Planeptune Son: Okay!

Then, the boy nodded as he left the scene.

B-Sha: ...Whew. This is the third incident today. I feel like instead of slowing down, crimes are increasing every day...

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