Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 Interstellar Stepping on the Face and Crossing the Vicious Man

    The day before the wedding, when everyone was looking forward to the wedding of His Royal Highness, the visiting group of the Billy Empire arrived, and their arrival sparked a heated discussion. The team of the Billy Empire turned out to be very embarrassed, and even the imperial prince Ben who led the team seemed to be injured. And there is also sensational news from the Billy Empire delegation:

    just in the northeast of the interstellar empire domain, there are cosmic zerg, advanced scabies! This kind of Zerg has a strong attack power and a nearly flawless defensive carapace, which can lift the protective layer of the battleship with its huge pincers.

    In the thousands of years that humans have fought against the Zerg, this kind of insect has only appeared a few times, but every time it appeared, it was a bloody storm, a bitter battle, and even the human race was almost wiped out several times. These bugs are very powerful, but they have a disadvantage, they have a short lifespan. In the few experiences of fighting the scabies, humans have killed it outright only once. The other times were completely passive defense, and survived the short life of the scabies before barely defeating the invasion of other insects.

    And this time, the scabies appeared in the Northeast Star Region, which was only five days away from the capital region. In other words, when the Billy Empire came, those bugs were about to invade the Star Empire. At this moment, it is estimated that the army has come to the city.

    Those Zerg invaded the interior of the empire without a sound, and His Majesty was so shocked when he heard this, he summoned the troops almost immediately. The Second Corps, who had always been the chief of the Corps, was also summoned to prepare for battle. The Fifth Army, which was only one line away, was also named a striker. The commander of the Fifth Legion was the second highness who was going to be the bridegroom.

    Before the newly-married Yan Er, she was about to go to the battlefield. The lively atmosphere of the Interstellar Empire instantly froze, and people fell into an unprecedented panic. At this moment, only their protector can save them! Although the Zerg is terrible, it is too far away from the safe area of ​​​​the capital, and many children have not even seen the horror of the cosmic Zerg.

    Only old people can feel panic in their souls, those who have seen the cruelty and blood of Zerg. Eldest Prince Bosie, who had been stationed outside all year, was also summoned and rushed back almost overnight.

    The day before the wedding, this kind of thing happened, even Mo Shi was also quite unhappy. He remembered that there was indeed a Zerg invasion in the novel, but even that was not the same as his memory. Joyce remembers the invasion as something that happened when he was about to pass out of hunger. It happens in the second half of the novel.

    Rubbing his jaw, Mo Shi had some guesses in his heart. Beside him was a gloomy Wilmot. Anyone who is about to get married and is suddenly recruited will not be happy. At the same time, he is also the second prince of the empire, shouldering the expectations of an empire. He was named a marshal and ruled all the armies of the empire.

    The faces of no one in the room were flooded with light, and everyone's eyes were a little panicked. Even Duke Owenwright, who disagreed, did not interrupt Duke Percy's proposal at this moment. At the juncture where the country's survival and life are at stake, no one ever mentions careful thought.

    Of course, there are still some noble and capable people who have already packed their luggage secretly, and they fled the empire with just an order. Even deserters are better than losing their lives. Many people also have some micro-industries in other countries, so even if they lose their noble status, they can still live without worries.

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