Chapter 138

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Chapter 138 Warlord Tiger Commander's Alluring Flower King

    Chu Chen was dragged out of the blood-filled cave by Mo Thirteen, and got on a boat heading for the river mouth.

    It is still the uncle of the fish clan in Zhoumu, but unlike Zhoumu, this time the uncle does not have despair and loneliness in his eyes, and he looks quite energetic. When he sees the two disguised, he even takes the initiative to join in. Come up: "You two, do you want to take a boat?"

    "Go to the estuary." Mo Shi waved his hand and pulled the man to sit down: "Master, how is your business?"

    "It's been good recently." The uncle sighed He took a breath: "I was worried about the war before. But yesterday, I heard that the king was so powerful that he suppressed the group of ill-intentioned orcs, alas, what's the point of fighting this battle. Look at me even though I am The ancients, don’t they also live with hands and feet? If you want me to say, those orcs just have nothing to do.”

    Mo Thirty didn’t speak, but Chu Chen’s eyes sank: “How do you say it?”

    “What do you think, Our king is so wise and talented, he will definitely deal with increasingly sharp social relations. Those orcs have no long-term experience at all. They only see their own interests in front of them, but they have not noticed the changes caused by the rules of the king over the years. Think about it, If the orcs still can't even eat their stomachs like before, how can they have the strength to resist! It's just used to it, they have big hearts and more ambitions. They are not satisfied. In fact, the king can't see it now Is it the situation? I don't think so."

    Chu Chen narrowed his eyes, stunned for a second, and slowly clenched his fists.

    I have to say that although this uncle's words are a bit biased, in the end it is in line with the real truth.

    "Especially do you remember what the king said a while ago. That was a good ruler who cared about the people and could see the suffering of the people. He didn't act before, I guess he was choosing the right time. And the orcs, It has to be said that the power is strong, but it is more controlled by the animal nature. The newly born race is blinded by the powerful power, but cannot see the weakness that can be broken with a single poke."

    "The Orcs are actually not difficult to fight. In my opinion, compared to the Orcs. Those Zerg are a stubborn problem. After all, the Orcs are not very smart, but the Zerg are ambitious and bold, look at it. Wang is sure this time. The focus is on tossing the Zerg. The bird and fish look arrogant, but in fact they follow the king of the flower clan, and they are adaptable, and their tempers themselves are not too greedy, so the problem is not too big.

    " He kept his head straight, and then in front of Mo Shi, he squeezed a match and lit it again, blah blah blah.

    Chu Chen's face was expressionless, but Mo Thirty stared at the match of the uncle of the fish clan, a little surprised: "Master, you are so hot..."

    "Oh? You said this. You smoke too?"

    "No, what are you doing ?" The fire you got?" Mo Shi's eyes flashed.

    The uncle of the fish clan was stunned for a second, then glanced at it with a strange look: "I bought it on the street, you can find it everywhere, I only have two fish coins for this cheap, and I will speculate with you, and this small box will be given to you as a gift. Let's be happy."

    His eyes darkened, and Mo Shi lowered his eyes: "Thank you, sir." After the heroine died, did the strange part of the world disappear? A world without fire actually changed its settings in an instant? So the world is regulated by novels. When the protagonist of the novel disappears, the world will return to its original real reality? Gee, that's interesting. Mo Shi's heart was beating, knowing that the last time she didn't let the heroine off made her suffer. He has missed the male god of cooking for a long time.

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