People Making Hate Books

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Okay, so Wattpad is a place to read and write. A platform to show your work to the world. What really gets my goat is the fact that some people choose to write a hate book targeted towards a certain user. Just because they hate that person so much, they want to expose them and hate on them? Unbelievable! The person would write hateful things, and call them vulgar names! If you don't like someone, just mute them! But don't be writing a hate book on someone you despise! It only makes you look foolish! Not to mention, that bashing someone is totally against the rules of Wattpad! By writing a hate/expose book aimed towards someone, it just shows how immature and spiteful you truly are! This kind of behavior is totally inappropriate! And, the author would take screenshots of someone and expose them, saying how much they hate them! Like, knock it off! Just stay in your own lane, and ignore! I get that some people on here have a hate hate relationship with one another, but don't write a hate book! Just stay in your own lane, and mute each other! That's what the mute option is for! Simple as that!

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