Posting Personal Information That No One Needs To Know

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I seen so many people post information that's not even related to reading or writing. And its mostly by minors. They'll be posting how much they hate their parents. They would cuss up a storm, and saying cruel things behind their parent's back. Like, they wish their parents were dead, or they wish they were adopted. I don't understand why minors have to act this way! They need to listen to their parents! They brought them into this world! And, they post malicious stuff about them? The parents need to be more mindful of what's going on! If they catch their children posting stuff like that, they can lose their computer privileges! This isn't Facebook! This is a reading and writing app! Whatever is going on at at home, needs to stay off Wattpad! Also, I don't like the fact, that some female users post stuff that is TMI! Like no one needs to know their business! That's private!  Keep it off Wattpad! My gosh! And also the fact that someone posts things about a family member being ill! That's also personal! That's what journal writing is for! No one should be posting that information to a bunch of online strangers! And also giving out your phone number and address is definitely a red flag! Why can't people stop and think, before they do something so stupid?

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