Act 10: The Stars Burn In Blue Fire

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Hehe, giant robots in space go BRRRRRR

Sitting alone in a black void with nothing but a floating screen, was Y/N

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Sitting alone in a black void with nothing but a floating screen, was Y/N. The screen showed a loading bar as it was quickly reaching the end. Though, just before it reached a hundred an error appeared. "Motherf&$%er!!" Y/N yelled out in anger as he threw a holo keyboard at the translucent screen.

"God damn it! Why the hell does this have to happen now of all things?!!?" Rubbing his blue hair and making his already mess hair even more so, Y/N looked ready to break a few more things. Though, for some strange reason, he suddenly stopped his little tantrum and turned to face-!

"You know I can see you, right?"

. . . What the hell?

"Dude, stop monologging and help me!"

Bitch, your the one who made the choice to f#$% with your own mind.

"Well sorry, some of us we're actually quite busy."

Oh, har har, look at me everyone I'm some boy who got hit by a truck and was granted magical powers. Bo-who-who~.

 "The hell did I do to you in order for you to give me all this damn sassy?"

Lets see here, first you go on to create your own little harem, which forced me to find a bunch of different forms of character art to find and then name them, then you go on to fight everyone you can all the while trying to find something 'cool' to do with your new fleet of space ships.

"Well its not my fault I was put into this position, plus your the one who's giving me the power of God over here."

Hahaha, please don't talk to me like your a God, I'm your god damn God! If I wanted to I could write a simple line and make your whole existence disappear if I wanted to

"But you wouldn't, after all you still need to entertain the few hundred people who actually read this."

. . . Stop that, stop making that smug face or else I'll throw a keyboard at you.

"No you wouldn't~"

. . . Suddenly, a keyboard smashed into the back side of Y/N's head. Several key buttons all fell out around the boy. He also looks pissed by the way.

". . ."

Gonna fight me now? Sigh, whatever I'm too tired to care so why don't you tell everyone that's reading this what the situation is.

". . . F$%& you, I'll do it, but still f#$% you." Giving out a tired sigh, Y/N relents before standing up again to face the fourth wall. That means he's looking at you.

"So hey, now you might be wondering what's going on and why I started breaking the 4th wall. Well, to put it simply I kinda f$&%ed myself on this one chief." Y/N sighed yet again as he brought up one of his hands before making several different holo-grams with UNSC ships that were all floating around him.

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