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My chapters keep getting deleted for some reason and it's making me mad.

I leaned back on the log and started reading. I read this book over 100 times but it's one of my favorites and I only have 3 other books.

I suddenly hear a thundering, black cloud in the sky. It was a form of a circle and it was pretty small, I guess a new survivor is on their way.

I closed my book and got up from where I was sitting, dusting my clothes and making my way towards the dark cloud.

I waited there for a few minutes before I heard a loud scream as a woman was falling from the sky.

She landed on her butt and made a big 'ow' noise. "Hello, im y/n and welcome to Dead by Daylight" I offered my hand to her to help her up.

She hesitated before grabbing it as I lifted her up from the ground. "Where is that asshole!? I'll kill him!" She looked around eagerly.

"Woah, woah calm down. Let me explain a few things first" she nodded and followed me back to the campfire. We both took a seat on the huge log and I explained everything to her. Killers, generators, etc.

After I was done explained she gave me a worried expression. "It's okay! I'll be here to guide you through, it's piece of cake once you get used to it."

I tried to reassure her and rub her arm for comfort but she shoved away my hand.

"Sorry.. what's your name?" She crossed her arms and sighed. "Yunjin"

"Whew im beat. Ghostface is a tough killer."  Adam walked out of the forest along with yui, claudette and Jake.

"Oh who's this? New survivors already?" Adam sat himself next to Yunjin and smirked.

"You're a pretty lady, shame that you're stuck here in this hellhole." She only scoffed and looked the other way.

"What's your name?"

"Yunjin..is it just you guys here or..?" She looked around to see many tents and items.

"No some other survivors are wandering around the forest, in trials or getting some rest" she only nodded in response as dark, thick fog formed around me, Adam and yunjin and someone else but I didn't see them.

Yunjin gave me a frightened expression. "It's okay me and Adam will make sure you'll end up safe" she nodded slowly and accepted the fog.

We got into the trial and spawned in the farm. This was one of my favorites, the map was open and easy to navigate Through.

I looked around and spotted Feng, ah she was our other teammate. I pointed a finger to the gen ahead of us, she nodded and ran to it and immediately started to work on it.

We almost finished the gen as a neon knife flew over our heads. More and more started to come and directly went into Fengs back, she started to run away as I finished the gen.

I hid behind a tree hoping that Feng could run him for awhile. This must be the new killer..and the one that Yunjin was talking about.

I looked around the tree to see he was gone but to my surprise a bat flew over my head slightly missing and getting stuck in the tree. "Well hello there love" He giggled and quickly got his bat, swinging it once again and this time hitting me in my back.

I winced out in pain and sprinted away leading him to a pallet. I looped him around it a few times before slamming it down on him.

"Oh..motherfucker" He broke down the pallet and began to throw his knives into me.

Successfully hitting me with all of them. I stopped in my tracks and fell down reaching to pull them out.

"Pl-please.." He only giggled and lifted me up onto his shoulder, my face directly facing his chest.

My face was deep red as I got distracted by his abs, I subconsciously traced my fingers on them.

He hummed in response, seeming to like it. "A little touchy aren't we?" I immediately pulled my hand back.

"n-no-" I got cut off by my shoulder being impaled by the rusty hook.

I screamed out in agony and looked down to see my body off the ground.

"You make such lovely noises dear, much better then all of the ones I heard so far in this realm." I blushed hard as he complimented me.

He ran off to find other survivors while 2 more gens popped in the distance, Adam lifting me off the hook and quickly healing me up.

"Thank you" He nodded and ran to another gen.

Great, everyone's been sacrificed and I havent yet found the hatch.

I haven't got a close up look on the killers face but I did indeed get a close up on something else..

I blushed at the thought but shook my head. Come one y/n get your head back in the game.

My slight heartbeat decreased and was no longer there, I sighed of relief but then turned around to see the killer. Standing right infront with a wide smirk across his stupid sexy face.

I blushed and panicked at the same time. I tried running away but he grabbed the back if my shirt roughly, causing me to fall into his chest.

My face now turning a deeper shade of red then it already was he seemed to notice and giggled.

He didn't move but he kept me close to his chest. Is he messing with me!?

I tried pushing myself off him and failed miserably, gosh why is he so strong. "C-can you let me go.." He stayed silent and let me go, pushing me against the wall.

"You're different from the others.." He lifted my chin with his finger to make me directly look at him.

He started to lean in closer. 'Is he about to kiss me!?' I started to close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me.

God I don't know why but I wanted it, I wanted him to kiss me.

After I didn't feel his lips on mine after a few moments I opened my eyes to see him inches away from my face with the same dumb smirk on his face.

I sighed with disappointment.

"Hmm? Did you really want me to kiss you?" He slightly chuckled but remained where he was at.

I didn't answer but instead I looked away embarrassed, my face a deep shade of red.

He turned my head towards him quickly and kissed me roughly.

I immediately kissed him back and leaned more into the kiss. He stopped kissing my lips and made his way down my jawline then to my neck.

I titled my head back slightly for him to have more room, I felt him smirk against my neck.

He kissed and bit my sweetspot leaving a dark mark causing me to moan slightly.

He backed up and licked his lips staring right into my eyes.

He groaned at the sound of the timer running out, meaning I was almost out of time.

He lifted me up bridal style and made his way to the hatch.

He set me down gently and kissed me one last time before pushing me down the hatch.

"Until next time angel"

My Sweet Angel~ Trickster X Fem Reader Where stories live. Discover now