Episode 4: #WMeansDouble

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At the Sweet Justice cafe, Jessica is munching her feeling away with some ice cream as she remembers the day that her friends were caused by Another Ichigo.

At the Sweet Justice cafe, Jessica is munching her feeling away with some ice cream as she remembers the day that her friends were caused by Another Ichigo

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Jessica: I need to know why that monster took the people of Metropolis and my friends, but I got no club where that creature took them. But then again, when that Kuuga and Decade monsters were causing trouble around the city, their first location is in Metropolis High. That's it! In order to find out where my friends are, I must find those monsters at school and maybe I will pretend to get captured so they will lead me to my friends and the people of Metropolis and then takedown the mastermind who is turning people in those monsters.

But as Jessica was explaining her plan to herself, a random girl showed up and walk towards Jessica's table.

But as Jessica was explaining her plan to herself, a random girl showed up and walk towards Jessica's table

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Heather: Hey! Hey! Is this seat taken?

Jessica: Huh? No it isn't. Want join me?

Heather: Sure thing.

And the girl sit with Jessica to enjoying some sweet treats together.

Jessica: Never seen you hear before. I'm Jess.

Heather: Heather. Heather Karizaki.

Jessica: Nice to meet you. Are you new here?

Heather: Nope. I lived in Metropolis since I was born and my parents always worked a lot overseas so basically I always have some free time, but I do have a job that I like to do for a living that became my hobby.

Jessica: Really? That's...kinda lonely.

Heather: It is, but I was able to make some friends here while still continuing to keep my job.

Jessica: That's nice.

Heather: It is, but I still have to deal with geeky cousin who is a huge fan of Kamen Rider. What a nerd.

Jessica: Man! That's really stinks for you.

Jessica & Heather: Boys. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

As both Jessica and Heather are enjoying their little talk, they saw in the window that a green and black tornado is coming to Metropolis which destroying the buildings around it.

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