The First Report Ch.1

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((Hello!! For this story to work it will be told in present day rather than the 1960's because it makes the storytelling much easier... Anyway I Fucking love TF2 so I am really excited to write a self-insert Fanfic :)
I'm writing this very ambiguous so you can easily fit your body type or whatever in this story as well

The room was pitch black.
(Y/N) sat there on a chair that she wasnt too confident about in it's integrity, the room shook and rumbled everything that connected to it's four surfaces.
The room was moving.


(Y/N) has an idea but they never really saw the place, just a briefing of the name.


In this dark room she thought for a moment, about her objective.
Why is she in this box presumably made out of metal?


And why does she need to go to Tuefort?

Pre-Date: 1 Year ago

(Y/N) was working for a company that was shrouded in public controversy.
Mann Co.
The kind of company that builds gun and win fights. You felt nothing but proud to work at such an unhinged place.

(Y/N) was a designated researcher who specialized in intelligence reconnaissance.
Somehow one way or another (Y/N) would find themselves falling into the spiders web of secrets.

It was a normal working day like any other. (Y/N) was preforming her usual yearly routine of cleaning the computers data base. She didn't expect anything out of the usual, on most occasions she would be deleting the outdated 'memes' left on of the drive from other colleagues.

However there was an encrypted file hidden away. It was a chat room between two people, it took you hours to read through all of it.

From what you could decipher it was from on outside source, contacting a member of your team. Their conversation became intimately explicit at some point, conveying how much they yearned for each other. Besides the smut you read, they also talked about confidential information about clients and products.


You think outloud. The nervousness that crept down your spine was all to real for your liking. 

Gathering all the data she could find relevant to the chat room, (Y/N) promptly reported the threat to her management. The incident was kept a secret and (Y/N) was tasked to delve deeper into the reason for this attack.

PreDate: 6 Months Ago

Since the first reported incident (Y/N) has been able to annihilate a several connection from this outside source. The culprit was contacting female employees and seducing them for information revolving another partnering company.

The Reliable Excavation Demoliton... or RED for short.

Their company had faced a recent spike in infiltration, your Intel suggests it might be an inside source.
After realizing the targets were primary female, (Y/N) went to check her email.

Clicking through several minutes of mail she found an untitled message, with slight hesitation she opened the mail.




There was nothing. She sighed some relief but then felt annoyed as the rest of her night was spent looking for a chance that she might of received an email as well.

(Y/N) fell asleep at her desk in her room at home after tireless hours of searching.

The night was cool and only a gentle breeze blew through the trees outside her house. There was silence until the faint sound of metal jiggling echoed through the room.

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