Out of the Box Ch. 2

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(( I think Miss Pualing is really cute. :) ~Mesu))

The rumbling of the room finally stopped and a silence hung in the air.

"OH, are we here already?"

(Y/N) was sitting there in the pitch blackness of the room waiting...
Until the sound of a metal door was hear clicking open, the mechanical lock squeaked in its new position.

"Hello?... Hello, we're here. It's me Miss Pualing"

The familiar sound of a woman called from the metal door. The light from the outside creeping through the doorway and her siloetted body in the middle.

(Y/N) got up slowly and shuffled her way to the only light source in the room, the floor of the room was littered with small debris. She assume some stuff was not tied down properly during transit.

Approaching the doorway, her vision was blinded briefly from the intense light. She soon realized she was face to face with a woman.

 She soon realized she was face to face with a woman

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(Y/N) just stared at the woman for a second.

"OH!... Hi Miss Pualing, barely recognized you"

You said smiling shyly.
(Y/N) had met her just before traveling, you felt a bit ashamed for forgetting about her so quickly but you have lots of other stuff on your mind.

Looking at her again you can't help but admire her gorgeous features. She wore a purple button up shirt and a tight dark purple pencil skirt. You bit your lip, suddenly your heart feels a little heavier and your palms get sweaty.

She quickly began talking which snapped your attention back to the task at hand.

"I'm sure it was really dark in there, no worried though! We'll be able to get the room connected to the power grid by the end of the day..."

She pulled out a clipboard and began looking through her itinerary.

"I'll ask Engineer when we go meet them."

She said and began walking away motioning for you to follow her.

(Y/N) muttered out "sounds good" before starting to follow her as well. The outside seemed so bright, (Y/N) couldn't help but squint apon leaving the doorway.

Looking back at where she just exited from, (Y/N) could see a large metal room attached to the back of a transport.

The agreement of your contract mentioned you'd get your own room separate from other people, you'd guess they would make room for you.... not actually bring a room for you.

You chuckled a little to yourself before Miss pualing and you approached a garage door.

Miss Pualing sure looked small but you would become surprised by her.
With little hesitation she walked infront of the large door and crouched down. Her nimble fingers slipped under the heavy door and she began to slowly lift the door with her legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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