Chapter 2

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My parents funeral took place a few weeks after I found out. The first week I was inconsolable. My parents were my family, my home. Would I ever feel like I'm at home again without them?

The funeral was small with a few of my mom and dad's friends. But it didn't feel real especially considering those coffins were empty. They had been lost at sea and the wreckage was never recovered so they couldn't even come home. That's probably what hurt the most.

A few days after the funeral of my parents I was visited by their lawyer who was to inform me of what was going to happen next regarding where I would live. Rebecca and Joe said they would be happy to adopt me as they were my nearest relatives but I was sure of what Mr Edwards, the Lawyer would say. Neither of my parents had any other relatives but there was one other factor many people were not aware of.

As we sat down I willed myself not to cry as he went through the will with Rebecca and Zoe sat either side of me and Joe next to the Lawyer. He went through the formalities of reading wills and started with the splitting of the estates. My step-father left 25% of his estate to his brother Joe and the rest to me, My mom also left a few items for Rebecca, Zoe and Becky's older son Callum, and the rest went to me. My parents property was now mine when I turned 18. Finally, he got to the elephant in the room. 

"As for where you will be living miss Alton, we have located your birth father" He was the other factor. "It means you may have to move in with him"

What, He lives in America!

"Why can't I stay here?"

"We've known Lotte from being a baby. Surely we would be better guardians. It would also mean Violette doesn't have to move and technically she is our niece by law" Rebecca signalled to herself and Joe before taking my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm sorry but as Mr Gauthier is the name written on Violet's birth certificate I had to notify him. He and his 4 sons, your half brothers, are looking forward to meeting you."

Rebecca looked at me, silently asking me for my choice.

"I'm not leaving England, Please tell Mr Gauthier that I have no interest in meeting him or his sons"

That was the first time I voiced my opinion so strongly in a long while, not since my mom decided it would be a good idea to build an Ikea sofa without instructions and then wondered why it collapsed when she sat on it.

Joe then spoke up for the first time in the meeting. "I think it's clear from Violette's contesting that she doesn't want to go and as my wife said we would be happy to look after her. We may not be related by blood but my brother loved Lotte dearly and that's enough to make her my - our family" Violette was close to crying again, that was unexpected but she was touched to know that's what her step-father's family thought about her. 

 Mr Edwards just sighed, we were stubborn and immoveable on the topic so he had no other choice "I will have a word with him and tell him what you said but I can't guarantee anything but as he is the biological father Violet's birth certificate he does have preferential rights on Violet's care"

"Thank you for today and please be sure to notify Mr Gauthier" Joe and Rebecca shook his hand and Joe showed him out whilst talking to him for a bit longer. 

I sank into the sofa as Zoe sighed, "Who want's a cup of tea?" Both Rebecca and I said yes and Joe shouted a yes from the door. When Zoe took off to the kitchen I looked at Rebecca's hand still gripping mine tightly, she looked preoccupied, worried even.

"What's wrong Auntie?" She turned to me and spoke.

"Your mother told me about Vincent Gauthier, your blood father. It's not a good story. Did she ever tell you?"

"Mom told me that he is a French millionaire with four sons. He kicked her out when she was pregnant with me and that's how my dad found her." Rebecca let go as she she turned to face me.

"That's the short story. He did kick your mom out. She was pregnant with you but he believed that the child wasn't his. But your mom never had an affair and she was homeless for a short while as she was unable to get back home from America, but she met your stepdad on the streets who offered to help her and together they came back here where your mom managed to sell the remainder of her fathers assets to support you and herself. She stayed in contact with Fredrick and after she gave birth to you he offered her a job at his small business. She was taken by surprise by Freddy's kindness and fell in love with him. I'm sure you know the rest." Rebecca smiled to me sadly. I did know it, otherwise I wouldn't be calling him dad. I had some questions of my own though.

"Why were they married anyway? Mr Gauthier and mom"

"Your mom was the daughter of a very powerful man here in England and with power comes money. After the death of his first wife Gauthier was financially broke so married your mom for her money. Together the two were able to rebuild Gauthier's business with Delia as a joint partner. But your mom was only a partner in his business if she was married to Gauthier. Delia always believed that the whole cheating lie was a ploy to get a divorce to get her out of his business" I was stunned, what a scumbag. I don't want to live with someone like that. I'm ashamed to have his blood. 

Later that night Zoe and I were sitting on the sofa watching Moana. Joe and Becky were sitting in the dining room discussing what to do next. Poor Zoe had been trying for the past few weeks to cheer me up so decided a few days ago the best way to do that would be to watch all the Disney movies. It didn't help much because most Disney characters were orphans or had crappy parents. But I wasn't going to tell her that.

I picked up my phone and decided to do some research on Google.

'Vincent Gauthier'

When the results came up it said he was an entrepreneur and stock giant, in other words his business had made him a fortune and now he was some hotshot rich guy.

I clicked on his wiki link. This guy must be really famous to have a wiki link.

I saw his photo for the first time, my blood father.

He had black hair and blue eyes with a small amount of stubble. He was wearing a suit but even then you could tell that he spent a long while in the gym every week. This must be a recent photo as well because the lines around his eyes and forehead meant he also looked his age of 51. But its easy to see who's looks I got. I have my mom's light brown hair with the same button nose and bright green eyes, my dad always said I was her carbon copy daughter.

I scrolled down to see what else was written about this virtual stranger who I've been told wants me to live with him.

Born and raised in Monaco and moved to America at 20 where he married his first wife and had 4 kids with her. She died in childbirth when he was 34. He then got remarried 2 years later to 26 year old Delia Gardner. She was the daughter of the British tycoon George Gardner. Following the death of George Gardner a year later, Delia Gardner then invested majority of the money back into Vincent Gauthier's business and Gardner PLC was incorporated into Gauthier's empire as an overseas stake. He then divorced Delia Gardner when he was 37 for unknown reasons and after this has never remarried.

In a true Disney fashion it means I have no 'evil' stepmother to deal with. Although the idea of step parents being mean is such a cliché, I loved my dad. At least he didn't turn his back on my mother. My eyes began to sting again as I thought about how much my parents loved each other and the fact that I'll never get to see them again. The hollow feeling in my chest was too much as I started to cry again. I put my phone down as I wiped my eyes. Somehow Zoe pulls out a tissue from her pocket and gives it to me.

"Thank you" I wipe my tears away.

"What can I say except your welcome" Zoe says a small joke in a sing song voice as I laugh between my sobs.

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