chapter 19 • feel like i had all the time in the world with him

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he carefully shoved his books into it. "do you think you could survive the zombie apocalypse?"

"yeah, obviously." i said, blowing a bubble.

"but how?"

"because i'n so cool?"

"are you cool or do i just agree with everything you say?"


i moved out of the way, and he shut the locker.

"have you seen gwen?" i questioned.

"yeah, why?" he asked.

"i miss her. and i have a gift for her."

"what is it?"

"a cheesecake."

"cool! where'd you buy it from?"

"i made it?"

"is it edible?"

"i'm about to punch you."

"can you kiss me instead?"

robin gagged.

"can i have a slice of cheesecake?" he grinned.

"not if you keep making fun of me and finney." i said, searching through my backpack for the carefully placed box.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now