chapter 20 • i was the one to put the stars in the sky

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"are you almost ready?" finney questioned.

i stared at my halloween costume in the large mirror.

"yeah. i'm good." i said, snatching my perfume off the table and spraying it a dozen times.

"finally. why do you take so long?" he questioned.

"i need to look amazing."

"you already do. that's just a waste of time."

"you're so corny."

i smiled at him.

mia and vance walked in, with their matching costumes.

robin and gwen were already dressed, impatiently holding their baskets.

"you're so slow." vance insulted.

"it's only 8 pm. relax." i said, shrugging it off. "i didn't know you wanted to sprint down the neighborhood."

i applied another coat of lipgloss.

"do you want me to put your phone in my pocket?" finney offered.

"after we take a bunch of pictures." i shook my head.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now