chapter 21 • pretend that when he looked into my eyes, he saw me

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my makeup was perfectly done as usual, and mia was still getting hers done.

"you look so pretty." i gushed, pulling my phone out to take pictures of her like an obsessive fan..

"i'm not even done yet." mia laughed, but appreciated the compliment.

"and you always look good!"

"i love you."

"i love you too."

"go get dressed!"

i nodded, rushing out of the room.

basically every room in the house was packed full of different people.

family, makeup artists, hair stylists, anybody you could think of was there.

including robin, who was slumped across the couch, complaining,

"it's seven in the morning!" robin yawned.

"get up!" vance demanded, a pencil behind his ear.

vance would usually have barely fallen asleep at this time.

he's in love with mia. i'm gonna cry and my makeup gonna be ruined!

i need what they have.

well, i have it.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now