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  one day before the mission:

Annie is sitting on a desk inside her room,with paper all over the place,donuts and coffee cups on the desk,she was looking to a video along with some images of you and Mikasa,and the night hunters,then she looked at the news that the night hunters were not spotted for a month only some type of a robot who have the wings symbol.

Annie: the night hunters vanished in almost a weird it's the same amount of time that Mikasa Akarman and Y/N L/N have been out of the country...could it be?...i hope can't be him. I must go and investigate more,he is coming tomorrow,so this is my chance.

after that she prepared herself and waited for the night to come and when it was the time she snick around your security and made her way inside your house,after exploring you mansion she heard you and Mikasa speaking along with Grisha,she then snoke inside and saw all the equipment and you and Miksas wearing you suits,she placed her hand on the pistol,she was about to take it out and take the shot when she was you smile at Miksas,her hand let go of the gun and she then followed you to the hanger and snick inside the supply area on the plan that you took.when Grisha dropped the supplies for you she took the chance with the plan being so close to a building she jumped off and landed inside.

present time:

Y/N: damn it what should we do?...i got it !(looking to Mikasa) huntress we can try to drag it outside and doctor might take it down with the chopper.

Mikasa: lets use our blades first then when we get close to the exit i will use all my thunderspears at it.

Y/N: good thinking,i will go in the front you go behind him,after i hit him you hit him too.

Mikasa: Roger that!

Mikasa then used her ODM gear to get behind the mutant,and when it was about to turn you shot it face then you fired your archer on it body andd pulled yourself toward it before using your blade to make a huge cut on it upper body,it was about to grab you when Mikasa slashed it back,you continued doing that to weaken it,but it continued healing it self.

Y/N:(bullets don't do much of a damage...and were going to run out of blades.)we need to find it weak point,let's try to cut it limbs and then it head.

Mikasa: we can do that move that we trained to do,i know it's not meant to be used on some this big but it was meant to be used on a large group but let's do it!

you then gripped the handles on your hands,your finger on the triggers,Mikasa did the same,the mutant stood there steam was coming out of it body as it look at the both of you with anger,you then shot your archer at the other side of the room,and Mikasa did the same,as you exchanged positions,you used your blades to slash it arms then you did the same again with it legs,you were so fast that it didn't have the time to catch you,you were changing directions coming at it from above,below,when you cup it right sides Mikasa cut the left and when you cut it left Mikasa cut it right,when you come to it from above Mikasa come to it from below and so on,after it go so weak to the point that it was hard for it to heal itself properly you and Mikasa stood far away from it then she fired all of her remaining thunderspears at it sending flying out of the building from the window that you came from,.

Y/N:doctor fire at well! 

Grisha:what the hell is that thing?!

Mikasa:he said fire at it!

Grisha:Roger that

then Grisha fired at it with the mini guns and two incendiary missiles,the mutant screamed in pain before it died one and for all.

Mikasa:is it dead.?

Grisha:yes ma lady.

???: wow you actually killed it...years of work went to wast huh?...but now that the three of you are here i think it will be interesting to have you as a test subject.

this world is cruel but it is also beautiful  (Mikasa Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now