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Outside the Avengers Tower

"Ok (Name) there are going to be a couple of work friends that you're going to see when we get up there."

"Friends? Like me and Kaburamaru?"

"Exactly like you and Kaburamaru, little cloud." Steve said walking into the entrance of the Avengers tower holding (Name) in his arms protectively like someone's going to take them away from him.

"Little cloud? There's a little cloud in here? I don't see one though." (Name) asked confused but happy to see that there's a cloud in here somewhere.

"What no, it's a little nickname I made for you because you like clouds." He said make her smile at his words.

"I love clouds! How did you know I love clouds dad?"

'dad.. Dad, she just called me dad.' Too deep in thought not realizing that (Name) is calling his name confused on why he stopped replying to her question.

"Dad? Kaburamaru, dad isn't answering my question. Did I do something wrong?" Not noticing the tears that are building up into her eye because of Steve not answering her.

Quickly thinking Kaburamaru slithered towards Steve and nudged his head against his cheek trying to snap him out of his thoughts so he could try and call (Name) down from her break down.

Snapped out of his thoughts he looks at Kaburamaru in question before him gesturing to (Name) so he could calm her down. Understanding quickly on what Kaburamaru was telling him to do.

"Hey it's alright, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Steve blurted out, concerned , why they were about to cry.

"I- you didn't answer m-my question that I asked you."

"I'm sorry I was just lost in thought but I'm back to answer your question which is?"

"How- uhhh I don't remember what the question was again."

Chuckling at her forgetting what her question was a couple of minutes ago. Walking towards the elevator so they could go up to the living room where the bedrooms and guest rooms are at. "FRIDAY."

"Yes Mr. Rogers?"

"Can you please take us to the living room and bedrooms please?"

"Yes of course."

The elevator doors start closing shut and the floor starts moving up to where the rooms are and also the others are at, not knowing that there's going to be a special guest that they are soon going to love and never let go.

(Name) being the kid and not knowing anything gets confused on where that voice was coming from so she did the only thing she could do and that's ask her dad who that was. "Dad?"

"Hmm yeah my little cloud?" Looking towards his daughter wondering what she's asking this time. "Who was that person that was just speaking?" Tilting her head, showing Steve more confusion on her face.

"Oh that was FRIDAY, they work the building. If you need help you can call her name and she'll answer right away."


"How about you write that down in your notebook so you don't forget her name?" He suggested wanting her to add Friday's name in the book with his so she doesn't forget it later on.

Scribbling down Friday's name in her new notebook with the help of Kaburamaru nodding or shaking his head telling them if they're spelling it right or wrong.

The elevator doors opened sooner than Steve thought it was but that's ok because he just hopes that the others won't notice his daughter, especially Tony.

Walking out of the elevator with (Name) in his arms and Kaburamaru laying down around her neck. As soon as he takes two steps out of the elevator all eyes of the avengers and hero's go to him and the child.

'I thought that they went out to eat.'

"Capsicle is back. Where did you go off to?" Tony was the first to speak up, breaking the intense staring and silence that fell over everyone when made eye contact with Steve.

Looking over her dad's shoulder just to see a lot of people that their dad was telling them about when they were down stairs in the lobby.

Surprising the heroes in the living room by peaking out just to take a look at them, all watching moving towards your small figure.

Letting out a small but high pitch squeak before trying to hide their face behind Steve, away from their eye view. Rocket started speaking after (Name) let themselves be known to the now awestruck heroes.

"Who's the new kid?" Waiting for a reply from Steve to tell them some stupid reason on why he has a kid or something along those lines.

"This is my daughter."

Once those words came out of his mouth everyone and everything fell silent, you could even hear a pin drop. That was until all hell broke loose which Steve didn't want to happen especially in front of his daughter (Name).



"holy shit he's not a virgin anymore.."



And other things that he couldn't make out do to the yelling and screaming. Some of them stayed quiet in their own thoughts about this whole situation.

'I knew this would happen..' Steve thought while looking over at (Name) that is resting their head on his shoulder covering their ears from the loudness and chaos while trying to keep their eyes open from going to sleep the whole day.

"Alright everyone calm down." Steve tried telling them, getting annoyed because of the yelling but it was too loud for anyone to hear except 2 people with super hearing.

Bucky walked us to his best friend telling him he'll handle it while he could go put the kid down because they look tired.

Nodding at his friend's words before walking off to his room where it's soundproof so (Name) doesn't have to listen to the yelling and screaming coming from his team and friends.

'I thought they would have a better impression in front of (Name) but no they had to ruin it for me.'

Entering into his room with a tired (Name) in his arms and Kaburamaru wrapped around her shoulder not losing grip that would be able to make him slide off of his best friend.

Setting (Name) down on top of the bed, pulling the covers over her small body frame to keep them nice and warm.

When taking a full look at them, they have a #13 on the side of their neck, some badges covering their mouth. A black & white haori with a white and red checkered obi with an orange obi strap, a light green sash, and a green & black checkered kamono that goes over.

And earlier they had two different eye colors, their left eye was a [color] and the right eye was a [color]. But what was weirder is that she sorta shrunk his size but then grew back to their regular size.

'I'll ask them about shrinking and growing later after they sleep.' That was his last thought before walking out of the room towards the living room where Bucky is telling everyone's down.


Taisho Secret:

You thought that Steve was talking about the week day.

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