'Bloody English Writing'

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[Written: 15th August 2019]

The waves crashed onto the rocks spraying in my face. I turned around and he was nowhere to be found "Georgie? Where are you?" I screamed "where are you!?"

I ran down the hill where could a blowfly like him go? Unless the waves got him. I grab my broom and head over the water to my little lighthouse hoping he was home, he wasn't but the bottom floors were covered in water. A wave must've hit it. I grab my bag and head to the only place he could be...

"Georgie?" I call as I walk past the pit of deceased "come on i need you we are leaving for Hogwarts in the morning." I tripped on an exposed root and fell into a cow carcass. I look up and I am greeted by none other than Georgie.


I'm pretty sure this was meant to be a satire of Harry Potter or something...

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