Hey guys i'm back!!! I'm updating my worried bc i remembered that they existed. It is currently 12:06 am and i need to go to sleep. However this is more important! I love you guys and thank you so much for the support!!!! 

"ok bitch boy it's go time." i said into my earpiece, well i guess to ranboo as well.

I started to charge forward holding my embroidered dagger close to my face. I started to wiggle to grip my footing on the wall and, work around ranboo. If i could get past him for long enough then i would be able to make it to a new exit. Hopefully he was lying about being able to teleport.

"Tsk, Tsk, princess the fun is only getting started." Ranboo said as he turned into a puff of shiny purple and black smoke.

UH WTF. I'm so screwed. Ok you've trained for this y/n. I hear a whooshing sound near my right ear and duck just in time to miss his punch. Ok listening for his sounds, he might be practically invisible but defiantly not silent with his big ass feet.

I continued to sprint dodging left and right, weaving through corners. I occasionally broke a couple expensive looking vases but they have enough money to pay for new ones anyways.

"TOMMY! Is there any other exits you can get me too, quick!" i whisper-yelled into the earpiece.

"I'm working on it you hag." He scoffed


"I would never kill something as pretty as you my dear~" Ranboo said into my ear. Suddenly i was pulled into a warm embrace. Looking up his Christmas colored eyes bore into mine.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned. "Ok kill me now get it over with." Putting my hand up and sliding my dagger into my thigh strap. Accepting my defeat or so he thought.

"Are you gonna lock me up now?" I said wiggling my eyebrows

"No you would have to much fun with that." Point blank and not wrong. As he muttered these words however i grabbed my backup dagger. It wasn't as pretty or badass but it gets the job done. located in my right forearm sleeve the dagger slid out with ease.

"Who's the princess now bitch boy?" i said slashing a pretty nasty cut into his arm. Smiling triumphantly at the groan of pain he let out.

Since i'm not stupid i bolted out of there as fast as i could.

"Ok hag, hit the next corridor and then you'll see the main door. We will meet you with the car." Tommy said into my ear.

"Thanks toms, i will discuss the situation in the car." I wanted to make sure the organization knew what abilities ranboo was capable of. I normally study all my targets and potential run ins to make the job hassle free. Until i get wildcards like Ranboo. Then my research is useless.

Stepping into the car, i quickly downed a glass of champagne. I needed a detox or something after these, it was way to stressful. Even though i despised this man i couldn't help but feel the butterflies stirring in my stomach. The way he would call me dear and darling made me want to forget about this whole mission

Why was he the reason the ice around my heart was cracking? 

☆ Opposing Sides ☆ Ranboo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now