It's been a year but we are back in it boys!!!! get ready for a very action forward chapter, love you!

Dream quickly dashed home checking behind us to make sure ranboo wasn't trailing us. My heart was still fluttering at the thought of him. Why did he make me feel this way? He was supposed to be the enemy 

Rolling into headquarters i frantically called a company wide meeting. Basically the heads of the organization, and the assassins (Aka me).

"sorry if i interrupted any special work, and i greatly appreciate you taking your time out for me." I said standing at the head of the table

"Get on with it already since it's so important." Wilbur said. God i hated that man. 

"Ehem- Anyways, i recently just went on a mission and was intercepted by a member from the snowchester clan. Prince Ranboo of the End, a strong rival on the field as well as politically. He has learned how to teleport. When killing purpled, per request of the clan heads, Ranboo teleported to try and kill me." I explained

"Any weaknesses this new ability has that you observed?" Philza asked from across the table. 

"Yes, Ranboo makes noise when teleporting. If you can identify where the noise come froms you are easily able to dodge his attacks. Which i did."

"That's all you had to say? I stopped work for that." Wilbur said, quickly getting up from his chair.

"Sit back down." Philza scolded. Except Wilbur being Wilbur he just flipped him off and continued out the door. I fucking hate that man. He acts like i haven't acquired important enough information. Like he's above me in every way. 

"Ok that concludes this meeting, thank you y/n for the useful information." Philza smiled at me. I kindly smiled back at him. 


Sitting back into my plush covers, i started to feel the tension of today melting away. Ranboo teasing me along with the stress of going on a mission with Tommy caused me a huge migraine.

I dipped into my mini fridge pulling out strawberry pocky sticks. Suddenly, i hear a woosh coming from my open window. My senses become heightened as i grab the knife behind my pillow. Slowly walking to the window i sat and waited.

I waited like that for a good thirty minutes. Relaxing my heartbeat, i creeped into my bed. Sighing as i hit the pillows. Glancing at my window one last time to make sure nobdy was really there. I swear i see the faint glow of red and green eyes. Peering at me through the window. I rub my eyes and suddenly it's gone.

I need to get him out of my head...

☆ Opposing Sides ☆ Ranboo x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now