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DD hold Makayla tight just hearing all 10 gun shots going rapidly off. He heard people running and screaming and Makayla screaming too.

Every gun shot that went off made him flinch a lil praying in his head that it don't hit them.

He didn't hear the gun shots no more making him tap Makayla.

"You good" he asked Makayla looking into her eyes and she nodded "you sure" he asked again looking her up and down.

"Yes" she said.

When DD heard those gun shots go off instantly he wanted to protect Makayla for some reason.

It was kinda weird to him he thought cause they was just going after each other necks.

DD looked over the bench and seen people around a person it seem like but he couldn't see who was if because people was in the way.

"Come" he said grabbing Makayla hand because he didn't know if more shots was gone be fired.

They both walked over to the basketball court. He pushed people out the way to see who was they paying attention to.

The min he pushed pass this one girl his eyes couldn't believe what he seen.

Notti on the floor shot on the side of his stomach on his last breath. Ashley was on the floor full out crying holding his head in her lap while he bleed out.

When he seen what was happing it felt like he was in a dream that he couldn't get out of.

"No, no, NO" he ran to notti dropping on the floor "come on notti do this to me" a tear dropped from his eyes.

"Come on Notti open your eyes, come ON" he said angrily cause he was just so mad that somebody could do this to him.

"NOTTI DONT LEAVE ME PLEASE" DD said out loud feeling Notti breathing slowing down.

Makayla was just staring at what happen with her hand over her mouth. She felt a tear come down cause how DD screamed out for his friend.

Dd grabbed his hand holding it tight but Notti weakly tried to hold his hand.

"What tf are y'all looking at call the cops" Ashley yelled out loud looking up at everybody with teary eyes.

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