demons are mean|2

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"hey! y/n wake up" you heard you woke up startled and slapped the person you woke you up "ow! y/n why'd you do that!" he said as he rubbed his cheek "you startled me so thats your own problem" you said as you sat up 

fast forward 

"thank you saburo-san for letting us stay at your place" tanjiro said as he bowed "no problem tanjiro and be careful"the old man said and you and tanjiro took your leave

as you both were walking tanjiro suddenly stopped as you too halted 'something's wrong..' you both thought and ran up the mountain

you were behind tanjiro and once again he halted making you bump and fall behind him "y

...please close your eyes" tanjiro said as he ran to someone that looked like they were injured of course you didn't obey and got up and went up and saw corpses 'seems like a powerful demon did it... but why powerful?' you thought. as you looked at the corpses "nezuko what happen!" tanjiro said and turned his head...he looked horrified at the sight 'okaasan...takeo..hanako..shigeru..rokuta..nezuko..." tanjiro said horrified at the sight you sensed slow breathing and looked at the girl named nezuko you held the said girls hand "this girl she is alive" you whispered "tanjiro your sister is still alive mabye you could carry her to the village!" you said

tanjiro turned around to look at you and down to his sister

fast forward

'nezuko! hang on i'l save you' tanjiro thought as you followed behind him suddenly nezuko started squirming "nezuko please stay still!" you said and then...tanjiro and nezuko fell "TANJIRO" you screamed "are you alright!" you said "i'l be fine!" said tanjiro and sat up and ran but you couldnt see what was happening since they were covered by trees till you saw a glimpse of a mismatched-haori seemingly trying to attack nezuko and tanjiro 'welp time to use my katana' you thought as you took off your jacket and grabbed the katana that was on your back and placed it on your waist and jumped off the cliff


the guy with the mismatched-haori was startled to see a young child block his attack the guy jumped back 'a boy?' the black haired male thought 'i cant use any of my breathing forms on him but mabye i could use hypnotic mist without the slashes..' you thought and did a stance

"sleep breathing second form:hypnotic mist"

you whispered and dashed towards him and slashed the air infront of the male suddenly a wave of mist has been emitted from your katana once you finished that you ran around the male leaving a mist trail once you finished you jumped back and turned around at the kamado siblings "run no-" before you could finish you passed out

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