Chapter 1~ The party

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Savi's POV

8:45pm, November 22nd. I am still single and still haven't found my soulmate. I don't know what my soul tie is.

My friend Jamie has a pain tie. Both feel anything their soulmate does to hurt themselves. They also accrue the scars of any injuries that break the skin.

Jas, a former roommate, found her soulmate through the red string tie. This tie makes it so the two can see a red string that isn't physically there.

There are many types of soul ties, and some people never find their soulmate. I'm starting to believe that I'm one of them.

The soulmate bond usually shows up around age 15. You become known as mateless if you don't figure it out quickly and find them fast.

"Yo, Savi! You going to CJ's party later?" Jas asked, flopping onto my bed. CJ is Jamie's soulmate. Apparently, he's a big music producer with many industry contacts. The last time he held a party, I hooked up with Dove Cameron. Then Dove found her soulmate, and I was happy for her but jealous at the same time.

"Course. Gotta try and keep hope I'll meet the one at one of these parties," I say.

Jas gets up and hugs me. "You will find the one, Vi."

"Thanks, Jas. So what should I wear?" I ask, holding up my two choices.

"You despise dresses, so the pantsuit. Give me the dress. You and I both know you grabbed it for me."

We both burst into laughter as I give it to her.

"You right, you right."

I put on my suit as she prepares for the party in another room.

30 minutes later, I'm still waiting for Jas. Why do straight girls take so long to get ready?

I then see her start to see her come down the stairs looking fabulous.

Jas face claim: Rose Leslie. Savi Face Claim: Samantha Archibald. CJ face claim: Ed Westwick. Jamie Face claim: Evan Peters.

"You took forever. Isn't the party in 10 minutes?" I ask her.

"Nah, CJ always tells me the time thirty minutes before the actual thing because of how long I take to get ready."

She says with a laugh.

That's understandable. It took me 20 minutes, and you took almost an hour. I thought.

"Alright, Let's get to his place and help him set up."

Jas looked at me and groaned. "Do we have to?"

"Yes, now stop complaining and get in the car. We can get you your dirty bean water on the way there too. I'll just stop in Irving for a Monster," I tell her. After I say this, her eyes light up, and she bolts to the car while shouting, "COFFEE!"

We see a little table holding a sign-in sheet when we get to the house. We sign in and go help CJ set up.

Time Skip halfway into the party

I sat at the counter, nursing my drink.

"Rough day?" The lady next to me asked.

"No, more like rough life. I still haven't met my soulmate, while everyone else around me has," I tell the lady.

She nods to show she's listening.

"I understand. I still haven't found mine, and my family is mad that I didn't wait."

"What do you mean?" I ask. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I have heard that strangers make the best therapists."

She lets out a huff of a laugh. "A friend and I said if we didn't meet our soulmates by a certain age, we would become each other's faux soulmates. We passed said age, got really drunk, and so on. Then the aftermath, known as my beautiful and caring daughter, Rose, happened."

After she said that, I took a second to look at her features. Then I realized who she was.

"Well, Mrs. Johansson, I believe whoever your soulmate ends up being will not care if they really love you."

"Took you long enough to realize who I was. Guess I gotta make you sign an NDA now, don't I? Or should I write you a check to make you promise not to spill my secrets?" She asked, only slightly joking.

"Neither. Live your life the way you want to. Anyone who judges you for trying to live your life, send them my way. They can meet Judy," I say, lifting my left hand. "And Luci," I say, holding up the right.

She looks at me, amused and confused.

"Both named after the two people I believe can pass judgment on anyone. Judge Judy and Lucifer from the tv show," I say, answering her silent question.

She then bursts into laughter.

"Well, it was nice meeting you...?" She pauses, obviously waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Ballerini. Savi Ballerini," I introduce, putting my hand out for a handshake.

"As in Kelsea Ballerini?"

"I'm surprised you listen to country. But yes, technically. I lost my parents at a young age, and the Ballerini's adopted me. I then helped my sister write the song half of my hometown. I wanted to show our dad we always think of him and home. Sadly my sister and I don't talk as often as we used to."

She gave me a sad smile. "Well, I hope you two reconnect. Have a good night, Savi."

"Good night, Mrs. Johansson."

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