Part 9

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Ashley threw tantrum by throwing her apron and took her bag away to go back. She didn't care that she left work even though it's not time for her to go back yet.

The supervisor saw her and try to stop her but Lucas stop him instead " just let her be. Whatever she does, don't ever try to confront her " he warn. The supervisor then bow slightly at Lucas.

Lucas just look at Ashley walk away angrily and he sigh " she's so mad " he mumble.

Ashley arrive at her apartment open the door angrily causing Sofia and Oliver to startled. She ask confuse " why are you so angry? Are your workplace cause trouble to you? ".

Ashley glare at them " yes it is there's a trouble there " she said angrily but trying to be patient at the same time.

Sofia look at Oliver confuse and look back at Ashley " what do you mean? " She ask nervously.

Ashley sigh and glare at Oliver " did you purposely recommend that hotel for me to work? Did you and Lucas plan this together? Did he ask you to recommend the job at his hotel?! " She raise her voice more as she ask question.

Oliver look at her nervously but still trying to maintain cool acting like he didn't know anything " what do you mean? Lucas is there? " He ask acting confuse.

Ashley scoffed speechless with her eyes wide open angrily " yes he's there. He's the owner of that bucking hotel " she say angrily trying to not curse any bad words.

Oliver nodded understood acting like he's surprise. Sofia hiss " shush. Lucas is the owner at that fucking hotel you work at? " She ask in a sassy way.

Ashley sigh with her eyes wide open " duh yeah " she say in a sassy way too.

Sofia gasp and look at Oliver with a disbelief look on her face. Oliver shake his head raise his hands " I don't know anything because my friend who I know the supervisor told me he need workers so that's why I recommend you the job. I had no idea about Lucas is the owner there " he lied.

Sofia sigh speechless " seriously? Did that motherfucker do anything to you? " She ask worried while check on Ashley's body.

Ashley look at Sofia speechless " obviously I'm not " she whine. Sofia pout feeling pity of her so she hug Ashley.

She pat Ashley's back and rub her back too " it's okay you can just quit there and find another job instead ".

Ashley broke the hug look at Sofia with lifeless eyes " I can't " she say with her face look blank.

Sofia furrowed her eyebrows " what do you mean you can't? " She ask with an angry tone in her voice.

Ashley sniffles " Lucas said that if I quit I can't even apply jobs somewhere cause he have the power to tell everyone in this world to not accept me for the job. He can use his connections to make sure other companies I wanna work won't accept me " she say in a sad way.

Sofia gasp speechless and angry at the same time " what the actual fuck that rotten banana monkey I swear he wanna taste some of my slipper soy sauce ".

Oliver try to hold in his laughter after heard Sofia said those creative funny words. Ashley pout " please make him lick your slipper soy sauce " she say while hug Sofia.

Sofia pout along and hug her back while rubbing her back " it's okay let's meet him together tomorrow I'll make sure he will get a taste of butter with ketchup on his rotten banana ".

Ashley pouting and nodded while still hugging tightly on Sofia. Oliver take a deep breath trying to hold in his laughter so bad. He literally struggle alone trying to not laugh.

Lucas who been watching the whole scene speechless. He scoffed " seriously? Rotten banana? Ketchup butter? Slipper soy sauce. What the actual fuck this woman what a terrible chef she is " he mumble.

He sigh speechless " damn do I need to get out from my own penthouse now because of her? " He say while he rub his forehead feeling frustrated.

The next day, Lucas go out early from his penthouse in case Sofia really come to see him but then he's startled by someone's presence. It's Sofia who came to approach him angrily.

She appear infront of him giving a death glare " you are such a cunning snake who always wrap yourself around Ashley huh? " She say angrily.

Lucas sigh trying to be patient " you know what. Don't bother me " he say in an intimidating way but Sofia didn't get intimidated at all. She grab Lucas and push his shoulder.

She point at him and giving a glare again " yeah I won't stop bother if you if you bother Ashley " she warn.

Lucas roll his eyes and sigh annoyed " who are you to meddle? ".

Sofia scoffed " she's my bestfriend who I see as my little sister so that's why I'm protecting her from you a worthless cheater ".

Lucas clench his jaw and glare at her " what did you just call me? " He ask in a scary way but Sofia as expected never feel any fear with Lucas.

Sofia smirk and kick his knee causing Lucas to kneel down on the floor whine in pain " what the fuck you just kick my knee " he yell angrily.

Sofia smirk and look at him with a provoking face " I don't care as long as you feel that. You don't deserve my little sister so don't even have any idea to have her back. Only a nice man deserve her not you " she say in a provoking way again.

Lucas breath heavily and glare at her with his intimidating eyes " I don't care what you say either cause I will do what I wanna do especially to have something I want ".

Sofia smirk " dream on you useless scumbag. It's not like you are good for her ".

Lucas yell losing his patience and stand up approaching Sofia while Sofia walk back away. Lucas yell " I don't fucking care! She's mine and always mine no one else can take her away from me no matter what! She's the only one for me not someone else. Even if there's someone better I will change for the better! " He yell cause Sofia to flinch finally.

Sofia scoffed and slap him " don't you even dare to lay your nasty hands on her. Do you even realize what you did before? Did you even think about what you did hurt her heart so much? Especially when you both were almost married and in engage status but there you are fucking around many snakes on your bed! " She yell back.

Lucas sigh and look at her while breathing heavily trying to be patient " I know and I'm gonna fix that because I'm still obsessed with her. I'm so obsessed with her that I will still want her to be mine no matter what. Even if she have someone else I would do whatever it takes to snatch her away or maybe I'm gonna kidnapped her and trap her for the rest of her life " he say in an angry way.

Sofia scoffed and shake her head slightly " you're crazy. You're going insane don't you? " She ask speechless.

Lucas smirk and chuckle " yeah I do but I don't care either because I'm crazy for her. I'm losing my mind because of her. She makes me gone insane even I can't control the obsession in my heart " he say while pointing on his chest and look at Sofia angrily.

They both stand there glaring at each other. Sofia felt speechless by his words because the way he express his feelings like a psycho.

She fear that Lucas will do worse just to have Ashley in his life. She's worried that Lucas would do anything reckless to Ashley.

Many thoughts are playing inside Sofia's mind feeling worried of Ashley.

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