Part 33

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Ashley look at Lucas nervously and gulp " please whatever you gonna do please don't " she beg.

Lucas sigh " I won't if you won't run away from me. As long as you're by my side that's all I ask. Don't leave me because you found out the truth " he replied.

Ashley breath heavily " just give me time to think please. I can't take this I need time to ease my mind at least ".

Lucas's face then frowned " so that's mean you're gonna avoid me? That's mean you will not be by my side when I gave you time to think? " He ask in a serious tone.

Ashley sigh " yeah but please just don't do anything stupid to me. If you do, how can I even want to accept all this " she say while her voice is shaking and her eyes starts to get teary.

Lucas sigh and his face getting more intimidating " it's hard if I didn't see you for a day. At least I need to see you ".

Ashley touch her forehead frustrated " please! I beg you to leave me alone! " She yell.

Lucas yell back and slam the small table beside him " argh! I told you I don't want you to keep dissapear by my side! " He yell causing Ashley to flinch.

Ashley look at him with her teary eyes " stop acting like a fool for once. Let me clear my mind " she say and walk away leaving Lucas frustrated.

Lucas groan and slam everything inside. Ashley just straight away walk down not looking back even though she heard how Lucas is throwing tantrum inside his office room.

Ashley walk out of the room. She didn't know where to go because the hidden camera is still inside her apartment. She got no choice but had to stay a night somewhere else even though she felt lost not knowing where she would go and ask help.

Suddenly, Ashley felt a grip of someone's hand on her wrist. Ashley gasp startled and take a look who it was. It's Lucas who is breathing heavily hardly catch his breath as if he run so hard to catch onto Ashley.

Ashley look at him exhausted she feel like she didn't want to say anything any longer because of how stubborn Lucas is. No matter what, there he is only think of himself.

Lucas sigh " I know you got nowhere to go. I won't go anywhere near you, I will give you a space and please let me at least help you to send you to a place for you to ease your mind alone " he persuade.

Ashley look at him with her tired eyes " how can I trust you with that? Who knows there's a CCTV installed at the place where you ask me to stay ".

Lucas shake his head " no I promise this time there won't be any hidden cameras. I will respect what you need I'm sorry for think of myself only without even understand your feelings. But please just let me help you with this " he beg.

Ashley look at him feeling convince even though she feel uneasy but at the same time she know how Lucas is. Even though he can be quite feisty and rebellious, but when he think about it he know he hurt that person with his greediness.

After a few minutes drive to the location, Lucas exit out of the car and so do Ashley. Ashley look at the house confuse and amaze at the same time.

(The house)

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(The house)

" This supposed to be our future home if we get married " Lucas say.

Ashley look at him surprise. Lucas eyes look down " I thought of want to show you when we already married but didn't expect our situation now I had to show this to you first ".

Ashley sigh and look at other direction avoid eye contact. Lucas understood " let's get inside " he say.

They both then walk inside the house and Ashley are more stunned by the inside. She look around with her jaw drop not believing the view of the inside.

Lucas just stand watching Ashley look around the house " do you like the space? I build this house according to your taste. The dream house that you've mention before. Not big and not that small either. This is what you want right? " He ask.

Ashley look down and look at him after " yeah, I like the space " she answer simply. Lucas put on a little smile couldn't deny the happiness feeling inside his heart.

(The insides)

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(The insides)

Lucas then walk approaching Ashley slowly. Ashley turn her back and saw Lucas who is walking approach her slowly, she back away a little confuse.

Lucas put his hands inside his pockets " so, I will leave you here. This house is relaxing so I think this at least can ease your mind ".

Ashley look at him and look away after not wanting to maintain eye contact " okay thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for understanding me too " she say softly.

Lucas give a little smile " no problem. If you need me just call me. I will ask my bodyguards to guard this house to ensure your safety ".

Ashley furrowed her eyebrows " I don't need them ".

Lucas sigh " don't tell me you're forgot. We are just only 1 day after the incident. You still need a safety first no matter what. I swear the guards won't even need to spy on you. They will just check to make sure no one harm you ".

Ashley look at him with her ' so done ' face and sigh " okay if you say so it's useless for me to say anything if you insist like that ".

Lucas tilt his head slightly " what can I do? I'm still worried of your safety so I need to make sure you are safe " he nag.

Ashley sigh and roll her eyes annoyed " yeah oksy I get it so go away you annoyed me " she say with her face frowning.

Lucas look at her intensely " I know I'm such a good nag " he replied. Ashley roll her eyes and shake her head. She wanted to turn around but Lucas pull her arm and touch her head gently.

They both face each other and Lucas kiss her forehead " take care. I hope you don't hate me so much. I'm sorry I really am. I know I'm such a jerk but as long as you know that I love you ".

Ashley stood frozen not knowing how to respond. Lucas look at her giving a smile and pat her head gently " I will get going now. Call me if you need anything " he remind again.

Ashley didn't even respond she just stood there frozen still speechless by his little action. She can't deny that she got flattered by his action even though she's still mad by the truth.

Lucas let out a little chuckle and smirk seeing Ashley's reaction. While he walk out of the house he mumble to himself " how cute ".

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