Chapter 8.3

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[No One's Point Of View]

Infinite stood observing his enemies .

The two revenants pulled out their weapons while the smallest revenant has a swarm of undead chaos surrounding her as she points her finger at Infinite the undead chaos swarmed towards the masked jackal

Infinite formed a forcefield trapping the swarm of chaos before incinerating the chaos inside

Infinite spoke at Lord X "Time has come"

Infinite's mask's visor emits red energy as the red beam travels in various different directions piercing through everything in it's path, the revenants the swarm of undead chaos, and Lord X causing all of them to explode

Infinite stands and looks around if there is something else

Infinite's body has been pierced through his spine and intestine falling out as he sees Lord X's hand

Lord X more blue colored with the red halo on his head chuckles as he says something with a wide smile on his face
"ℕʘʈ𝐡𝓲𝞰𝗴 ᶜƋ𝞰 𝘦ᣵᶜƋ⍴𝘦 ㎥𝘦 .ℕʘʈ 𝘦𝝯𝘦𝞰 𝕓𝘦Ƌʈ ㎥𝘦ⴰ"

Infinite looked shocked looking at Lord X it caught him by surprise

Lord X tells

Lord X widely opens his mouth as red glow energy luminates in his mouth he blasted Infinite head first

Infinite's yells out taking the energy head first before reducing his head to a skull .

┗ʘ𝝘𝙙 乂 𝚰Ƌ𝙪𝗴𝐡ᣵ 𝘦𝞰𝐣ʘ𝘆Ƌ𝕓𝚰𝘆 𝙪𝞰ʈ𝓲𝚰 ᣵ𝙪𝙙𝙙𝘦𝞰𝚰𝘆 ┗ʘ𝝘𝙙 乂 ❜ᣵ 𝘦𝘆𝘦ᣵ Ƌ𝝘𝘦 𝞰ʘʈ 𝝘𝘦𝙙 ⴰ Ͳ𝐡𝘦𝘆❜𝝘𝘦 Ƌ𝝘𝘦 𝙙𝓲ƒƒ𝘦𝝘𝘦𝞰ʈ ᶜʘ𝚰ʘ𝝘𝘦𝙙 ⴰ

Lord X limps down into the ground as his eyes widen when Infinite tears through Lord's Stomach as he climbs out of him

Lord X
"𝚰━𝚰㎥⍴ʘᣵᣵ𝓲𝕓𝚰𝘦 ⴰ 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ 𝟂𝐡Ƌʈ ⴰ ⴰ 𝟂𝐡Ƌʈ Ƌ𝝘𝘦 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ❔❕"

A spike pierces through Lord X and hangs him up above the ground and his arms nailed into the spike he was impaled in .

Lord X screeches to the point that another spike stab through Lord X's neck and lower jaw

Infinite "You almost had me there you creepy bastard. . . I am somewhat impressed but . . . Exetior had better illusions than you can ever create . but I have the power to make it a reality . . . Y̸̠͇̻͌̑o̶̟̝̜͊̾ǘ̶͕̹͙̈́͝r̷̥̋ ̶̝̘̳͑E̸̘͒͊̏x̶͚̰̓̒ḙ̸͍̎́͜c̶̟̱͆ǘ̵̠t̷̫̀̍̀ǐ̶̠͍o̸̯̾̓̄n̸͎̑ͅ.̵͍͈̾͐̈"

Lord X's dimension shattered into a million pieces as behind Infinite is a collapsing star

Infinite "Witness Oblivion."

Lord X looks at the collapsing star exploding as it burns it's fur and skin out

The collapsing star explodes leaving only Infinite to remain in a void with multiple platforms .

Something . . . went off . . .

Inifinite looks around as the skies went changes from black to red . . .

The world around him went into a disatrous static as Lord X's red gloved hand pulled Infinite's mask off with his other hand striking accross his face as he cackles with his dark crimson aura emmitting around him

┗ʘ𝝘𝙙 乂"𝙃𝘦𝐡Ƌ𝐡Ƌ𝐡Ƌ𝐡Ƌ𝐡 𝙃𝚲𝙃𝚲𝙃𝚲𝙃𝚲𝙃❕ 𝙃ʘ𝟂 𝙙𝓲𝙙 𝘆ʘ𝙪 𝞰ʘʈ ᣵ𝘦𝘦 ʈ𝐡𝓲ᣵ ᶜʘ㎥𝓲𝞰𝗴❔❕"

┗ʘ𝝘𝙙 乂 ᣵ𝙪㎥㎥ʘ𝞰ᣵ 𝐡𝓲ᣵ ⍴𝝘ʘ᙮𝘆 Ƌ𝞰𝙙 ᶜʘ㎥𝝘Ƌ𝙙𝘦ᣵ ⴰ 𝐄᙮𝘦𝚰𝚰𝘦𝝘 ❟ 乂𝘦𝞰ʘ⍴𝐡Ƌ𝞰𝘦 ❟ Ƌ𝞰𝙙 Ⅿ乂 𝕓𝙪𝝘𝞰ʈ 𝕓𝙪ʈ 𝐡Ƌᣵ 𝘲𝙪𝓲ᶜ𝗄𝚰𝘆 𝝘𝘦𝗴𝘦𝞰𝘦𝝘Ƌʈ𝘦𝙙 ƒ𝝘ʘ㎥ ʈ𝐡𝘦 𝙙𝓲⍴ 𝓲𝞰 ʈ𝐡𝘦 ᣵʈƋ𝝘 ⴰ

𝐄᙮𝘦𝚰𝚰𝘦𝝘 𝝘𝙪𝞰ᣵ 𝓲𝞰 𝟂𝓲ʈ𝐡 Ƌ ƒʘ𝝘ᶜ𝘦ƒ𝓲𝘦𝚰𝙙 Ƌ𝝘ʘ𝙪𝞰𝙙 𝐡𝓲㎥ 𝝘𝙪𝞰𝞰𝓲𝞰𝗴 ʈ𝐡𝝘ʘ𝙪𝗴𝐡 𝚰𝞰ƒ𝓲𝞰𝓲ʈ𝘦❜ᣵ 𝚰Ƌᣵ𝘦𝝘 𝕓𝚰Ƌᣵʈ 𝕓𝙪ʈ 𝟂Ƌᣵ 𝗄𝞰ʘᶜ𝗄𝘦𝙙 𝙪⍴ 𝓲𝞰 ʈ𝐡𝘦 Ƌ𝓲𝝘 𝚰𝞰ƒ𝓲𝞰𝓲ʈ𝘦 ᣵ𝙪㎥㎥ʘ𝞰ᣵ Ꝑ𝐡Ƌ𝞰ʈʘ㎥ ᶜ𝚰ʘ𝞰𝘦ᣵ ʘƒ 𝐡𝓲㎥ᣵ𝘦𝚰ƒ 𝕓𝙪ʈ 乂𝘦𝞰ʘ⍴𝐡Ƌ𝞰𝘦ᣵ ᶜ𝚰𝘦Ƌ𝝘𝘦𝙙 ʈ𝐡𝘦㎥ ʘ𝙪ʈ 𝟂𝓲ʈ𝐡 𝐡𝓲ᣵ ᶜ𝚰Ƌ𝟂ᣵ 𝘦㎥㎥𝓲ʈʈ𝓲𝞰𝗴 ƒ𝚰Ƌ㎥𝘦ᣵ ⴰ

Ⅿ乂 𝓲𝞰 Ƌ 𝗴𝓲𝗴Ƌ𝞰ʈ𝓲ƒ𝓲ᶜƋʈ𝓲ʘ𝞰 ƒʘ𝝘㎥ Ƌʈʈ𝘦㎥⍴ʈᣵ ʈʘ ᣵ𝘲𝙪Ƌᣵ𝐡 𝚰𝞰ƒ𝓲𝞰𝓲ʈ𝘦 𝟂𝓲ʈ𝐡 Ƌ ᣵʈʘ㎥⍴ 𝕓𝙪ʈ 𝚰𝞰ƒ𝓲𝞰𝓲ʈ𝘦 Ƌ𝝯ʘ𝓲𝙙𝘦𝙙 𝓲ʈ Ƌᣵ 𝐡𝘦 𝕓𝚰𝓲𝞰𝙙ᣵ 𝐡𝓲㎥ 𝟂𝓲ʈ𝐡 𝐡𝓲ᣵ ᶜ𝐡Ƌʘᣵ 𝘦𝞰𝘦𝝘𝗴𝘆 𝕓𝚰Ƌ𝙙𝘦 𝓲𝞰ʈʘ 𝕓ʘʈ𝐡 𝘦𝘆𝘦ᣵ 𝕓𝙪ʈ 𝐡𝓲ᣵ 𝘦𝘆𝘦ᣵ 𝝘𝘦𝗴𝘦𝞰𝘦𝝘Ƌʈ𝘦𝙙 ᶜ𝐡𝙪ᶜ𝗄𝚰𝓲𝞰𝗴 ⴰ

Infinite was bothered "I'll have to use this to use a fraction as it is more than enough to put an end to your little game."

Master Emerald floats towards him as Infinite stands on top of the Master Emerald

A burst of power explodes . . .

Infinite hid the Master Emerald away into his pocket dimension

Lord X snaps his body as he grew taller as he got a hold of Infinite widening his smile

Lord X "¥ʘ𝙪 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 𝙙𝓲𝘦 𝕓𝘆 ㎥𝘆 𝐡Ƌ𝞰𝙙ᣵ"

Infinite released his Chaos Energy as his aura vaporizes Lord X's hands Infinite grabbed him by the throat

Infinite "You will fall by my hand."

Infinite's eyes fires a wide ray of energy at Lord X's face

Infinite looked over to see the rest of the X cult

Infinite as he gets to put his mask back on "All of you will.."

His aura spikes as he channels his Chaos Energy in his body his whole body changed to red "CHAOS . BLAST !"


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Vs Lord X has gone on long enough lost ideas time to get Infinite back out there.

Reincarnated Infinite Male Reader X Multiverse CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now