Somewhere in the dark void a small part of a fog with multiple red eyes . . ."𝙃ʘ𝟂 ᶜʘ𝙪𝚰𝙙 ʈ𝐡𝓲ᣵ ㎥𝙪ʈʈ 𝝘𝙪𝓲𝞰 ㎥𝘆 ƒ𝙪𝞰 ❔❕⍴𝘦𝝘𝐡Ƌ⍴ᣵ 𝚰 𝐡Ƌ𝝯𝘦 𝗴ʘ𝞰𝘦 ʈʘʘ 𝘦Ƌᣵ𝘆 ʘ𝞰 𝐡𝓲㎥ ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ"
The entity Lord X observes You
"⨈𝐡𝘦𝞰 𝚰 return 𝚰 wî𝚰𝚰 ㎥Ƌ𝗄𝘦 ᣵ𝙪𝝘𝘦 ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ 𝚰❜𝚰𝚰 𝕓𝝘𝘦Ƌ𝗄 𝘦𝝯𝘦𝝘𝘆ʈ𝐡𝓲𝞰𝗴 ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ 𝞰ʘʈ 𝘦𝝯𝘦𝞰 ʈ𝐡𝘦 𝝘𝘦Ƌ𝙙𝘦𝝘 𝟂ʘ𝙪𝚰𝙙 𝘦᙮⍴𝘦ᶜʈ 𝐡ʘ𝟂 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 𝚰 ʈʘ𝝘ʈ𝙪𝝘𝘦 𝐡𝓲㎥ ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ ʈ𝐡𝘦 Ƌ𝙪ʈ𝐡ʘ𝝘 𝐡Ƌᣵ 𝕓𝘦𝘦𝞰 𝗴𝓲𝝯𝓲𝞰𝗴 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ᣵʘ ㎥𝙪ᶜ𝐡
⍴𝚰ʘʈ Ƌ𝝘㎥ʘ𝝘 ƒʘ𝝘 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ʈʘ 𝕓𝘦 𝚰𝙪ᶜ𝗄𝘆 ʈʘ 𝕓𝝘𝓲𝞰𝗴 ㎥𝘦 𝕓Ƌᶜ𝗄 𝓲𝞰 ʈ𝐡𝓲ᣵ 𝝯ʘ𝓲𝙙 ⴰ 𝚰❜𝚰𝚰 𝕓𝘦 𝝘𝘦Ƌ𝙙𝓲𝞰𝗴 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ⴰ 𝚲𝚰𝟂Ƌ𝘆ᣵ 𝝘𝘦Ƌ𝙙𝓲𝞰𝗴 𝘆ʘ𝙪ⴰ 𝙃Ƌ𝙃Ƌ𝙃Ƌ𝙃Ƌ𝙃Ƌ𝙃❕ ""⨈ʘ𝙪𝚰𝙙 𝘆ʘ𝙪 𝚰𝓲𝗄𝘦 ʈʘ 𝗄𝞰ʘ𝟂 ᣵʘ㎥𝘦ʈ𝐡𝓲𝞰𝗴 ❔ 𝚰 ᶜʘ𝙪𝚰𝙙 𝐡Ƌ𝝯𝘦 𝘦𝞰𝙙𝘦𝙙 𝘆ʘ𝙪𝝘 ᣵʈʘ𝝘𝘆 𝓲𝞰 ʈ𝐡𝘦 𝕓𝘦𝗴𝓲𝞰𝞰𝓲𝞰𝗴 𝕓𝙪ʈ 𝚰 𝐡Ƌ𝙙 Ƌ ʈ𝐡ʘ𝙪𝗴𝐡ʈ ʘƒ 𝐡ʘ𝟂 ƒ𝙪𝞰 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 𝓲ʈ 𝕓𝘦 ʘ𝝘 𝟂ʘ𝙪𝚰𝙙 𝓲ʈ 𝕓𝘦 ƒ𝙪𝞰 𝓲ƒ 𝚰 ⍴𝚰Ƌ𝘆 Ƌ𝚰ʘ𝞰𝗴 ⴰ ᴯ𝙪ʈ ʈ𝐡𝘦 Ƌ𝙪ʈ𝐡ʘ𝝘 𝐡Ƌ𝙙 𝝘𝙪𝓲𝞰𝘦𝙙 ㎥𝘆 ƒ𝙪𝞰 Ƌ𝞰𝙙 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ʈʘʘ𝗄 Ƌ𝙙𝝯Ƌ𝞰ʈƋ𝗴𝘦 ʘƒ 𝐡𝓲㎥ 𝝘𝙪𝓲𝞰𝓲𝞰𝗴 ㎥𝘆 ƒ𝙪𝞰ⴰ 𝙃𝘦 ᣵʈ𝝘𝓲ᶜʈ𝚰𝘆 𝚰𝓲㎥𝓲ʈ𝘦𝙙 ㎥𝘆 Ƌ𝕓𝓲𝚰𝓲ʈ𝓲𝘦ᣵ ⴰ 𝚰 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 ㎥Ƌ𝗄𝘦 ᣵ𝙪𝝘𝘦 ʈ𝐡Ƌʈ 𝘆ʘ𝙪 Ƌ𝞰𝙙 ʈ𝐡𝘦 𝚲𝙪ʈ𝐡ʘ𝝘 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 𝝘𝘦𝗴𝝘𝘦ʈ 𝓲ʈ ⴰ"
"𝗨𝞰ʈ𝓲𝚰 𝞰ʘ𝟂 . . . ᣵ𝘦𝘦 𝘆ʘ𝙪 𝞰𝘦᙮ʈ ʈ𝓲㎥𝘦 , ⨈𝘦 𝟂𝓲𝚰𝚰 ⍴𝚰Ƌ𝘆 together Ƌ𝗴Ƌ𝓲𝞰 soon ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ 𝐽𝙪ᣵʈ 𝘆ʘ𝙪 𝟂Ƌ𝓲ʈ ƒʘ𝝘 𝐡𝓲ᣵ next 𝙪⍴𝙙Ƌʈ𝘦 "
The void cracks open showing another entity shaping in form
"X , I will not allow you to plan on returning in this dimension you have played your role in his story."
"┗ʘʘ𝗄 Ƌʈ 𝘆ʘ𝙪 ❟ 𝚲𝙪ʈ𝐡ʘ𝝘 ʈƋ𝗄𝓲𝞰𝗴 Ƌ ƒʘ𝝘㎥ ʘƒ Ƌ ᶜ𝘦𝝘ʈƋ𝓲𝞰 𝝯𝓲𝝘ʈ𝙪Ƌ𝚰 ᣵʈ𝝘𝘦Ƌ㎥𝘦𝝘❜ᣵ Ƌ𝝯ƋʈƋ𝝘ⴰ 𝙃ʘ𝟂 ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ ʘ𝝘𝓲𝗴𝓲𝞰Ƌ𝚰"
The author points at X
"This was merely a warning shot. Now time for continuation of this story , It must continue . Back to writing . Before that . . ."
The author yawns
"I still need sleep . . ."
Reincarnated Infinite Male Reader X Multiverse Crossover
Fanfiction[Dropped] You woke up as a Mobian Jackal . . . With little memories of your past but there are two of them one of them is an illusion and the other is real but you don't know which is which . . . Once you remember everything what will you do? [Note:...